Lets see, I don't get to bed until really late. Mom wakes me up but I was lightly sleeping all night, I wasn't feeling good. Mom calls my name when she wakes me up, I knew I had to get a little bit more sleep. Just a little bit...
I eventually get up and crawl off my top bunk of the bunk bed because Bri stayed the night, I hurt my ankle somewhat when I get down. Cool, great start. I put some shoes on, and a jacket. I get on the computer, I felt like taking my time this morning. I told myself to keep it cool and laid back. Well, the rabbits were being fussy. I got a little agrivated and had to tattoo a junior fuzzy lop doe. She would much rather vistit. I told my mom to help me cause she started frustrating me. I couldn't find my stuff, my pedigree binder fell apart, things were falling on me. I just tarted feeling hopeless. I lifted my chin up, took a few deep breaths and "started over".
Starting over was a good idea... first people we see are Christina and Tausha! Yay! Here comes Carol... Katie... everybody I've missed so much! Then later I see Angel, Tracy, Kelly... just so many faces I haven't seen in a while I was very happy to see again.
I kept it very chill. I moved my fuzzy lop doe Carley to open for more competition. She and Blue Belle were the only two I entered for the double all breed show. While Meena and Fives were only entered for the specialty. And this is how I did. ;]
Show A Woolies(Y): Allen Mesick
Blue Belle 1/2 BOG close to the BOB winner. ;]
Show A Fuzzies(O): Allen Mesick
Carley- 5/9 not too bad, there were some pretty does!
Show B Woolies(Y): Ray Stacy
Blue Belle- 1/2 BOG
The best of breed winner was a WWR sable martin doe bred by me. Cool!
Show B Fuzzies(O): Ray Stacy
Carley- 9/9
Fuzzy Specialty(Open only): Chris Zemny
Carley- 5 or 6/9 She got awesome comments with 'exellent' body type. I like that.
Meena- 4/5 eh comments
Highfives- 1/1 but awesome comments, she really did like her a lot.
The comments were GREAT. It was a really fun show day.
I also wanted to mention... I had a couple mention about my sweeps points. I'm currently #13 in the nation. I have to say, I'm quite proud of this! I've only been showing 2-3 *sometimes* 4 this new show season... I'm quite content with such a placing because I just don't enter 10+ rabbits to rack up several points. ;] These are genuine high show placing that are allowing me to do so well in sweeps. =] I'm really proud.
I sold handful of buns as well as raffled a few. I hope everyone enjoys their new stock! =]
I didn't take any pictures, but I did happen to take a video if OPEN BIS Judging Show B! =P
Audrey is currently nesting...