Well, tomorrow is the day I start my job! I'm working at the vet clinic here in town. :) Its exciting since they have wanted to hire me for a long time(my mom has worked there since I was seven, 9 years). I cannot wait to start working with my moms co-workers(I love them) and seeing animals and most of all PEOPLE! I'm a "people person". :P
Heres a blog with what I have for sale, I hope to get on my site later. The prices are really cheap. If you are wanting ot start a herd, I may have something IN STORE for you!
I have side, top, front, and back shots of everyone. If your interested, feel free to email me! hellozoozi@live.com More info can be read on my sales page.
With brood I'm mentioning why they are differed from show quality.
WWR Hanna Beth- Lilac Pointed White Senior Doe (BROOD- DQs; color, weight)
Very nice typed doe!!!
WWR Kaugra- Siamese Sable Senior Doe (BROOD- head/ears)
I love head body and wool. Her head isn't too bad but I do not like her ears.
Hare's Mystic- 11 Legs- Smoke Pearl Senior Buck (SHOW/BREEDING- bigger, 3 years old)
Great producer, several winnings, PROVEN
WWR Kohaku- Broken Blue Junior Buck (SHOW)
He's still growing, but I think he will turn into a really pretty buck!
Morning Star Ah-uh- Broken Blue Senior Doe (BROOD- DQ; charlie)
She's missing a nose marking but would make an amazing doe to put into a breeding program! Great head/ears, body and wool.
WWR Smoke Pearl Junior Doe (BROOD- DQ; white nails)
AWESOME doe! I'd keep her if she was the showable one over her sister. Absolutely beautiful girl.
(such a terrible picture)
Cedar Ridge's Blue Rain- Blue Senior Doe (BROOD- DQ; white nails)
One of the best does in my barn, unfortunately, unshowable. Great overall type and wool.
WWR Siamese Sable/Seal Junior Buck (SHOW/BREEDING)
He's still growing into himself, but really like what he is turning into, his ears are a little long. He's is a Shakira X Mystic baby.
Thats who I recent picture of now. I would put in all the shots of each rabbit but its too much. Too bad I NEED to cut down, cause a lot of these guys would stay!
Wooly World Rabbitry