Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Where have I been?

Where have I been? I was on a roll with keeping my blog postings, all all of a sudden, I disappeared.

The reason why I stopped posting blogs, replying to emails, posting on forums, and all that jazz was because my parents took away my computer and obviously that goes for the internet too. My parents came to me playing video games and weren't okay with it, and decided I didn't need computer rights(?) Whatever.

I have some super duper cutie patootie agoutis in the next box right now. A broken chin doe, a broken opal buck and an opal buck. As long with some beautiful AFL babies, two broken creme bucks and a solid tort buck. Can you say bucks?

Opal and Broken Opal bucks.

Broken chin doe and brkn. opal buck.

Here is a couple of pictures I have yet to share, a black buck and a broken black doe out of Pearl X Cracker. Do they look familiar to you?



Audrey and Sleeptalker? Nope! But they are half siblings to them. Cute, huh?

Here are my Cracker X Skyler babies, cuties!

Well, I have to go! I'm borrowing my bros computer for the short time, talk to you all later! :)


Monday, August 18, 2008

Ammadon Kitlings

Thumperhill's Ammadon has the cutest babies EVER! I absolutely love their style. I cannot wait for them to senior up so I can see what they are like then. :)

First these are my Ammadon X Erb's Ariel kits:
WWR Jane Fonda- Smoke Pearl Junior Doe


WWR Constant Comment- Seal Junior Doe

Next are my Ammadon X WWR Sisily babies. Oh my goodness! These are officially the CUTEST kits I've had born here yet! When I look at them my eyes pop out hearts.
Sitting pretty.

Smoke Pearl Buck


Seal Doe.

All around cuteness.

I hope you enjoy. I have a lot of pictures hopefully I can share over the next few days. :)


Friday, August 15, 2008

I got a little excited.

Right now I currently have 7 Jersey Wooly and American Fuzzy Lop crosses. They are only a couple months old, and I was starting to wonder about their ears. None of them are lopping, or showing signs of lopping. Well last night when I was feeding, I noticed a couple of Katie's babies starting to lop!!! I was starting to think- hmm. Maybe lopping is a recessive gene? I'm not really sure how to be certain on this though. Katie, the American Fuzzy Lop, has a tight crown, where daddy, the Jersey Wooly, has a "crown". I wouldn't be too surprised if this gene WAS recessive and if he DID carry that gene to make it possible.

So, who knows?! I just wanted to say I'm a little stoked that a couple of the babies are starting to "lop". I wanted to put them in my fuzzy lop breeding program.

off to work!

Susie :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Breeders Selling Out...

If ya'll haven't read recently, Laurie Stroupe of The Nature Trail Rabbitry is leaving the rabbit hobby. Laurie has a wonderful website and blog of rabbit care info, and not to mention, beautiful Holland Lops rabbits of exceptional type.

I enjoyed reading her blog, website, and viewing pictures of her stock. I really do hope her the best of wishes with her life. And Thank You, for all the wonderful information you have provided everyone including myself. :)

But it is not only Laurie I have noticed selling out, I've seen a few other pretty recognizable breeders doing so. Many cases is just being unable to keep up with the costs of living... our economy is going to the gutter. I know people loosing homes, loosing jobs, hours... Feed and hay costs are going up too. It's hard to afford the hobby.

We have people leaving just to other activities in life. We all get older and may find other things we find interesting. Just like how it began for some. School is always one too.

Not to mention, the few who are just being misplaced in this hobby. It's amazing what people will do to each other to hurt others. I just want to say, I'VE BEEN THERE TOO. People are MEAN. No matter what you do. I had to take my trustee right hand lift it up, and slap myself across the face and to tell myself "I can be stronger." in this hobby, that no matter what you do, where you go, there will always be somebody who is going to try and tear you down, its not fair to you to let them do that.

I do want to wish everybody the best, who is and isn't selling out, and those who are going through hard times, schooling, or are pursuing new adventures.

Wooly World Rabbitry

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Kits who show promise

Some breeders along with myself can tell which kit will be the best as young as a few days old. After you have been breeding for years and pulling kits out of the box everyday from day one, you start to see differences from the others just like you can tell in adult rabbits.

There is really no real "trick" to doing this, but I find it much much easier to do the more familiar I am with the line, or, if I can just tell that "this one is it." Sometimes I cannot tell a difference in any of the kits in a litter. I know my buck, Thumperhill's Ammadon, produces some BEAUTIFUL kits. I get excited after a few days cause I can just see how "pretty" they are. :)

I like to see short, thick heads, and nice small round ears. I also look at the mass the babies is carrying throughout the legs, and of course the body too, short and thick.

I'd like to show my last litter of Ammadon kits, who were absolutely beautiful since day one. They were cute newborns, and now that they are growing up, most surely some of the most gorgeous babies I've had here. I'm doing this combonation again, just because the style of the kits are so adorable, I see huge promise in them, and like I said, since day one. :)




Theres nothing that isn't cute about them... I'm hoping they will develop well, I have to very cute names I'd like to give them. :P

Susie Cederlof
Wooly World Rabbitry

Monday, August 11, 2008

First Day at Work, Convention Hopeful

Ahhh I'm home from a good day at work. Today is my first day, and it went quite well! I worked checking in/out clients, fortunately everybody was in a good mood today, besides one person, who surprisingly didn't rip my face off like everyone said she would, though she wasn't quite happy as I smiled at her, I don't know if she was more ticked off at mine or her own existence! LOL.

So soon I got to see some bunnies! Somebody brought in two they bought at the feed store. I was disgusted. These babies were no more than five weeks, my guess three to four. They were obviously lop of some sort, frosty color. I sexed them for her and told her how much they can be fed, and of course, if she didn't suspect they were so young I was sure they wouldn't have made it. They were so young, I was quite ticked off, bought them at a feed store/farm she said...

This morning I took picture of my convention hopeful, WWR Sango who is a Broken Black Otter Doe out of WWR Sleepwalker X Wooligans Party Girl. This baby is AWESOME! I really hope she will continue to grow the way she is. Here are some pictures.





I have top and back views that I will post in the "comments" if you would like to see. Otherwise I'd rather not have them take up too much room on my page.

So far of everything developing, she is topping to be my favorite. I love how willing she is to pose. She is a great bunny. :)

Thats all for today... can you say tired? Yep, pass me some of that sleep. :P


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Job and Bunnies for Sale:

Well, tomorrow is the day I start my job! I'm working at the vet clinic here in town. :) Its exciting since they have wanted to hire me for a long time(my mom has worked there since I was seven, 9 years). I cannot wait to start working with my moms co-workers(I love them) and seeing animals and most of all PEOPLE! I'm a "people person". :P

Heres a blog with what I have for sale, I hope to get on my site later. The prices are really cheap. If you are wanting ot start a herd, I may have something IN STORE for you!

I have side, top, front, and back shots of everyone. If your interested, feel free to email me! hellozoozi@live.com More info can be read on my sales page.

With brood I'm mentioning why they are differed from show quality.

WWR Hanna Beth- Lilac Pointed White Senior Doe (BROOD- DQs; color, weight)
Very nice typed doe!!!

WWR Kaugra- Siamese Sable Senior Doe (BROOD- head/ears)
I love head body and wool. Her head isn't too bad but I do not like her ears.

Hare's Mystic- 11 Legs- Smoke Pearl Senior Buck (SHOW/BREEDING- bigger, 3 years old)
Great producer, several winnings, PROVEN

WWR Kohaku- Broken Blue Junior Buck (SHOW)
He's still growing, but I think he will turn into a really pretty buck!

Morning Star Ah-uh- Broken Blue Senior Doe (BROOD- DQ; charlie)
She's missing a nose marking but would make an amazing doe to put into a breeding program! Great head/ears, body and wool.

WWR Smoke Pearl Junior Doe (BROOD- DQ; white nails)
AWESOME doe! I'd keep her if she was the showable one over her sister. Absolutely beautiful girl.

(such a terrible picture)
Cedar Ridge's Blue Rain- Blue Senior Doe (BROOD- DQ; white nails)
One of the best does in my barn, unfortunately, unshowable. Great overall type and wool.

WWR Siamese Sable/Seal Junior Buck (SHOW/BREEDING)
He's still growing into himself, but really like what he is turning into, his ears are a little long. He's is a Shakira X Mystic baby.

Thats who I recent picture of now. I would put in all the shots of each rabbit but its too much. Too bad I NEED to cut down, cause a lot of these guys would stay!

Wooly World Rabbitry

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Broken Chin Wooly!

It's everything exciting to see the little broken Jersey Wooly kit in our nestboxes to be a broken Chinchilla. Its been my moms and mines dream color, it just sounds so pretty, and it is, REAL pretty. :) There is another kit who I think is a broken squirrel, sweet, I'm happy to see the Chins have made their place back at Wooly World Rabbitry! :)

Here is a picture of the Rainbow Resort's Angel X Wooligan's Hamlet kits.
Sleeping so cozy.

Just the broken chinchilla. :)

Babies haven't stopped flowing until now. I have lots of them, Jersey Woolies, Fuzzy Lops, and crosses between the two. Still, does are popping out babies until I finally came to the sense to STOP BREEDING THEM. It's hard cause LeSage's Shakira, Wooligan's Kitty, Wooligan's Charmin, and WWR Audrey all need to be rebred about now.

More pictures:
Kismet's Sia babies! We have a tort and I believe two broken cream/blue tort otters, maybe even orange. :P

LeSage's Cracker Jack X Wooligan's Skyler babies.

LeSage's Cracker Jack X WWR Pearl babies. Now. Who does that little broken black remind you of?! Yes, I'm attached to her too. *rolls eyes*

Last but most surely not least, Thumperhill's Ammadon X WWR Sisily kits. I have to say, these are the prettiest Jersey Wooly kits EVER. Nice big mug like heads and teeny tiny ears. This is a bad picture, they are absolutely beautiful babies in every which way.

Thats it for now, sorry I missed out of some babies! :(

Wooly World Rabbitry

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

August Already

This year is going so quick I am taking double takes on what month is it really? Well we are more than half way through 2008, which I know know surely that the 2007-2008 sweepstakes year has closed. Almost all points are logged in and we are placed pretty highly for that. Quality Points are however more important to me, it shows consistency of with is winning BOB/BOSB, whereas points can be earned from 5th to 1st place. I'm proud to say we are doing better in the quality points area, LOL!

My babies are just DOLLS! I'm in love with my Cracker Jack babies. The Sable Ammadon kit has one of the biggest heads I've ever seen on a JW kit. My JW/AFL cross kits have such amazing type I'm going to be keeping one, two, possibly three between the two litters despite the ear shape, length, and crowns. Speaking of babies we have had a couple more litters born about 5 days ago. I'm GLAD to say Kismet's Sia has given birth to 3 healthy kits! She's taking wonderful care of them. I have a solid tort and two brokens. Addison is the proud daddy, I can always count on his studliness. ;) And born the same day, Angel our squirrel JW doe gave birth to 3 healthy kits, sired by Wooligan's Hamlet. We have a solid and a couple broken. :) I love seeing all these broken babies around, oh how I've missed the pattern.

Wooligan's Skyler babies, sired by LeSage's Cracker Jack, all bucks!

It's been roughly about 90*F here daily. Its comfortable for the rabbits and I myself. Still, we are turning on the fans, of course.

We currently have several juniors growing up right now and theres one I'd really like to mention! WWR Sango, who is a broken black otter doe is growing out beautifully. I love her head and ear placement and pretty good shape too, well furred. Her body is so short and compact and smooth too. She's awesome. On top of it her Junior coat is super long and dense. Maybe I will be bringing her to convention to show. :)

I just remembered that I made a video a while back on grooming a Jersey Wooly. I just roughly explain what I do before a show or whatever. I need to upload that. Maybe I'll try doing that tonight. I know, its 1:45am.

The prices of feed are getting higher and higher... we were lucky that last time we got feed it cost the same or roughly the same... Hopefully it will continue to stay that way. I think my mom said it was $16.79 or something. :/

Well, thats all for tonight/this morning. :) I hope to continue to post, I have a few pictures I'd like to put on here and explain!
Wooly World Rabbitry