Sunday, May 31, 2009

Baby Kits and JW SOP Discussion

After a long 30 days we finally have kits born here. Looks like we will be having a soft of a "baby boom" for our Convention Juniors. This is the first "set" who were written down to be due the 29th. Here's what we have so far.

Dam: WWR Estrella, Siamese Sable, 1 Leg
Sire: WWR Alladin, Opal
1 kit born 5/30/09
(Estrella still has kits in her, hopefully she has the rest soon!)

Dam: WWR Sisily, Black Pointed White, 4 Legs
Sire: Thumperhill's Ammadon, Seal, 5 Legs
4 kits born 5/31/09

Dam: BlueStar's Candy, Broken Siamese Sable
Sire: Sable Point Buck owned by DayKota Moat
5 kits born 5/31/09

Fabulous! A total of ten babies so far. I see I am going to be overwhelmed in the next few weeks. I'm glad though my does are pulling through. These are our Convention hopefuls~! I already see promising structure to a few of them.

The Standard Proposal Changes continue to be discussed on the Yahoo Groups JerseyWoolyList. Many points are being made in many different prospectives.

I am not going to direct quote anybody, simply for respect.

1) Jersey Woolies years back had more point on head then body. While the Jersey Wooly had good heads, they did not have good bodies. The points standard was changed to arrange more point on body, and less on head. As we got our bodies, we started loosing our heads and ears, therefore we want to give the JW those points back for head/ear for consistency.

As only a breeder of five years, I did not know this. This makes it a tad more understandable, by not completely. Consistency isn't just handed to you. No matter what you try, people have their own beliefs and standards to what is true. Some people use brood stock, some people do not. Some people use "parts" to fix their faults, and some people do not. Regardless of this, many breeders do market and exhibit their brood stocks. This continues the cycle, helps some, and too, sometimes win on the tables. I feel exhibitors are upset when a animal with a brood head set wins on the table. In that case, find out what makes that rabbit better and do something about it. If it wins on its body, when maybe it is saying something...?

Secondly, I do not think our bodies are overall good enough to take this step. Heads/ears can be fixed in one generation. Bodies not quite.

2) Judges picking rabbits who should not have won.

I change this into a different topic because I stand up for the judges. I feel every judge trys their best and all have the intention of picking the right rabbit. Every judge judges different, and comprehends the standard differently. A very good point was given, "Several judges could all be in a conference room and given all the same information, but it does not mean they will all apply it the same." Which is very true, since we are all human. Some judges give juniors the benefit of the doubt. Some do NOT compensate with their size or flaws. It all matters on the judge. Here in California we NEVER see a "rabbit who shouldn't have won." Maybe we have good judges, maybe we are just forgiving and understanding to taking a loss, or both. I feel if it really is that big of a problem, ask the judges "Why" that rabbit won. More than most of the time, it gives you closure if it really is that bad. I understand how frustrating it is when there IS a bad judge, I've had them too! You know, the ones that practically fall asleep while judging? I think I could pick a better wooly hidden under a set of pots! LOL.

I think a lesson I've learned in judging is not to get so discouraged in judging. Whatever happens, happens. I trust my opinions first and formost, and then the BREEDERS in my breed THEN the judges. If I don't agree, then I don't agree, and I just keep value to my own herd. I feel many other states do not have as friendly of exhibitors and breeders as us in California. So maybe you cannot get another breeders opinion or even want one. I do not know.

3) Judge's Education

Some fret when they see a judge going over a SOP prior of judging. I used to get confused too, wondering if they really do know what they are doing. When I look at the bigger picture most times they do. Randy Shumaker, is a very well known, high respected and favorite judge from MANY all over the Nation. There is no clue why he isn't. I respect, and really absorb what Randy has to say while his judging. As my favorite judge, I trust his opinions most. I've seen him look in his SOP more than enough times! :) And its never been bad, hey, don't we all check back in our SOP from time to time? I can only imagine what is like for an ARBA judge, I would be too.

If you disagree, from my understanding, it is okay to talk to a judge after judging about how they are judging(don't quote me on this, LOL). It is not okay to fight with a judge about their judging. I prefer questions to be asked after because not only is it against the rules, but it is also halting the judging. Not only does this annoy the judge, it too annoys your fellow exhibitors.

It is becoming more common for Judge's Ed. meetings at some ARBA Shows. I think if this is a serious problem, contact ARBA or your local rabbit club and try and set one up. You see them more at "bigger" weekend shows, like state/mini conventions.

Just a few of my opinions on these matters. I hope everybody is having a good day~


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Wool, Wooler, Wooly!

For a while, I have been meaning to do a post like this. It happened to fall hand in hand with an advice thread on a Rabbit Forum and the JW Propositions made against changing our wool standard.

Before I get too rattled up on the JW Props again(LOL!) I do want to thank EVERYONE who has sent me emails, comments, and suggestions on how they feel about mine and their own feelings. As a very open and honest person I do not degrade anybody's opinion, I'm just very happy to hear other outlooks and understand other sides, there is very much going on! I respect those who have come forward on their views. Situations like this can be very touchy.

In this post I am not going to proceed to much more on other opinions and what else I have failed to mention. There is so much I have to say, and so much more others have had to say, it really is a big topic and concern in my opinion. This topic is so much more than "meets the eye".

(EDIT: Please excuse if there are misspellings, I currently cannot get my spell check to work, LOL!)

So, wool! Now, I don't have an SOP next to me currently to site anything(I would have loved to site more things in my last post) but will like to add this link here for an article on wool. It is nicely put together explaining the wool transition, and notes wool factors that apply to different varieties.

Jersey Woolies highest percentage for wool points fall under Texture. Texture is the feel to the coat on your hands and fingertips. Wool is to be coarse in texture. A way I explain this is "harsh to the hands". Faults can be on wirey textured coats(usually too coarse) and soft coats(lack of texture). A Jersey Wooly can be DQ'ed for too soft/cottony of a coat.

Here is a buck with very good texture and good guard hair. Guard hairs are what protect the underwool which can prevent webbing or matting. Good texture/guard hair can sometimes determine a correct JW coat, which should be easy and care free.

In most cases, with good texture takes away another property. Length or density. This animal has good length, and lacks in density.

A chestnut doe who lacks in length but has good density, and good texture, which is common for this variety.

A chestnut newly turned senior buck with a soft coat. Appears "cottony" to the eye. Feels cottony too, has little or no texture at all. This is common for Junior coats on Juniors, however, if he molts and he still has a cottony coat, it is an extreme fault. Seniors with extremely cottony coats may be disqualified.

Silky texture is a fault. I've found animals with silky texture to have more "sheen" to the wool, which makes it look healthy and shiny. Texture is comparable to human hair.

Density takes second in the priority list. Density is the thickness of the coat, and should be evenly distributed in all areas. It should be thick and lush, "full of life" and not thin or open. Molts or transitioning coats can affect the density of a coat(downfall), and what I've found if grown in different seasons(for good or bad). Density is important, without the wool can be dull and drabby.

Here is a REW Buck with very good Density. He does have texture, and pretty good length overall for that combo.

It feels as plushy as it looks.

A Black Buck with lack of density. Very thin coat, short underwool. Does have decent texture and presense of guard hairs. In my opinion this is a poor JW coat. It lacks life, very boring.

Crimp can sometimes play with density positively. I have had judges look for crimp in terms of judging for wool density.

Last but not least, Length. Length is the measurement of the wool from the hair shaft to the end of the hair. Though being least important, it is a wonderful thing to have. I am a sucker for long wool, specially does, I think it is very pretty. Too little wool can be disqualified. The longer the wool, the better. I do find longest wool does not have the best texture, and this is a very important role that length needs to protect the coat from webbing or matting. Though length is good, it is least important, and if it doesn't have the important bases(density or texture) it doesn't make it any better.

A doe who is currently pregnant so please excuse her pose. She has very good wool length. Good density, and decent texture, however I wish there were more distrubution of guard hairs to protect her undercoat from webbing. She requires a little more grooming than other woolies. (not bad though)

Presense of guard hair, but not quite enough with the amount of wool she has.

Transitioning coats can create all kinds of confusion. They can have good density on the sides but not over the top. Soft wool on the hips but coarse just above on the hindquarter. Juniors with junior coats can appear soft in texture but have grown their senior coat inbetween and have good texture. Molting rabbits can have long wool over the top and not over the sides. Points are deducted from coats like this for inconsisitancy and uneven-ness. Simply, it is not a over all finished coat for competition.

Blue doe who had an incomplete molt and soft wool is left over her flanks.

Sable doe with a chewn coat, showing the undertone of the Sable variety, which is slate, and in this photo appears greyish white.

Opal Junior Buck transitioning out his junior coat, which is the cottony fluff over his midsection and hindquarters. You can see the coarser adult/senior coat in his front end.

Baby and Junior coats are two differnt stages for me. Baby coat is where I determine the future development of their senior coat, where it is even and easier to care for. Junior coat is the second stage that can start setting in as early as 12 weeks where it turns into soft cotten that can be easily pulled/plucked out when transitioning. Most breeders try to ignore the yucky fluff of the junior stage, and are rarely shown on the table due to immaturity, and sometimes judges lack of understanding this awkward stage. Not all baby coats turn out like their appearance in baby stages. When this happens, you understand you breeding line a little more.

A black junior doe who is nothing more than soft wool. Though she does have a poor coat in this time, the judge gave her the benifit of doubt that show day and she won her first leg. A coat like this on a older senior should not be permissable.

A baby coat appears more silkier. It has texture, density, and length, all should be pretty even in this stage, and is something to keep in mind while waiting upon a senior coat, and when that is fully finished if it meets expectations.

As my post concludes, wool is very important based upon our breed. It's the icing to the cake. (and what is a cake without the icing? LOL) Some things stated above may just be my opinion, and may apply differntly to other breeders herds or opinions.

Take care!
Susie Cederlof

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

NO on JW S.O.P. Changes

RARELY do I get caught up in politics. I'm not one to fight, and usually just let things go the way they go. Today, I received my voter's ballot for the "Proposed Standard Changes for the Jersey Wooly" and I, am pretty fired up if you may say about these changes to be brought upon the next edition of the Standard of Perfection.

I'm very open minded, and respect the proposition but DO NOT agree with it. Let me first get this out there, I've never once myself, or heard any other person who was unsatisfied with the Jersey Wooly Standard. Secondly, I didn't even know this was happening! I almost feel this done all behind my back by our club about this situation. Maybe this is none of my business, but as a Club Member of several years, I usually hear about this discussion before hand, something by someone somewhere, it doesn't matter, but to where I am prepared. This is so out of the blue, so unexpected, and so unnecessary.

Simply, the reasons stated for these props are NOT reasons good enough. (for me, at least)

Let's talk from my letter up to down. Front side to back.

1) Point Allocation

I'm not going to type the whole document, but I will tell you what is being changed. General type is being changed from 58pts to 63pts. Body stays at 30pts, but the head goes from 16pts to 18pts, ears 10pts to 13pts, and eyes, stay the same at 2pts.

Our wool is having 5pts taken away, from being 27pts to 22pts. 5pts doesn't sound like much, but we're talking a wooled breed here. This is where it really tears me apart. Texture goes from 14pts to 13pts, density 8pts to 4pts, and length stays the same at 5pts.

Before I get carried away, I note Color(10pts) and Condition(5pts) stay the same.

OKAY. Time to dissect! I'm going to jump my buttons on WOOL. As the breed being a Jersey WOOLY, I believe the rabbit should have wool, right? Let me get you break down on wool. Texture is the feel to the wool. Density is thickness(as in having a "thick" or "thin" head of hair) and length is obviously how long the hair is from the hair shaft.

2) Texture

I've been breeding Jersey Woolies for 5 years, with how devoted and how far I've come, I'm proud to say I've been breeding for 5 years. In those 5 years, you learn things. You can't have everything. You can't have a rabbit with completely long ears and expect to have a super short body. You can't have short length and WIDE width. It's the same with this wool thing, you can't have WOOL without the soul properties of WOOL! If you take away our density, and still together with length the texture blows it away, you don't have wool. I'm sorry, you don't. Just imagine a rabbit winning with NO underwool and decent length? Just because "Sure! It has great texture!" doesn't mean it's wool. It's HAIR. Zero density is HAIR. Focusing on texture doesn't help with it's second hand partner length!

The REASON given is because Matting and Webbing is being mistaken for Density. YES, then just reword the section. This is NOT a valid excuse for giving our wool points to head/ear because they need to be more "uniform".

3) Density

Reason: To many juniors fault juniors on having softer coats than seniors(which is likely for the breed.)

They want to put words in the right category(which I have nothing to argue about, it's proper) and want to add a NOTE stating Juniors may be premised with softer coats, but should show evidence of guard hairs.

Now we need to back up a little here. A) Soft coat IS a texture, why is this under density? B) This does not defend density nor texture. Note this under texture, and I'm fine. Why doesn't it defend either of those? Because, if you take away our density for texture then your asking for more texture. Senior or not. Does not defend density because soft coat is a texture.

4) Ear Description

This is where some of our wool points(that we didn't have very many of in the first place) are being put, as well for the head.

Reason: Supports the point change on the ears.
(stated earlier because it "needs to be more uniform" from section #1 but I wrote it in #2)

This isn't validated enough for me. It needs to be more "uniform". Here's our dictionary definition, since, I want to be sure I fully understand this okay.

DICTIONARY: Uniform- adj.- identical or consistent, as from example to example, place to place, or moment to moment: uniform spelling; a uniform building code.

We want, WHAT?! Consistency? We're talking head and ears. Failing to mention what kind of consistency we are supporting. Do we want our herds to be more consistent? Do we all want our ears to look the same? Do we consistency as in short head, short ears, short body?

I assume it would be my third guess, but doesn't quite defend WHY we want our "heads and ears to be more consistent". Of course, we want every wooly to be consistently as good as the next, but it doesn't go that way, that is why we have competition and we work harder. I believe it is a FAILURE to correctly proposing the change. If someone can make sense of this change, please tell me kindly, I'd LOVE to hear...

Side note: No reasoning further given for the Head.

5) Chinchilla Coloring

REASON: Proposed change to Disqualification.

REMOVE: "lack of slate undercolor"
(meaning lack of slate undercolor is no longer a DQ!)

I have two feelings on this. 1) I've never heard of in any breed where it is okay for a Chin to lack slate undercolor. Those chins that have white undercolor will now be showable. 2) I would love to see that other colors rather than slate undercoloring, such as chocolate/sable should be disqualified. This is a serious problem and I see too many Sable Chinchillas being passed as "Chins" and sometimes noted with "poor coloring". Each time one wins, I see more up on the tables the next show season! This is not a fault, but a DQ, because Sable Chinchilla is an unrecognized color for the JW under the ARBA SOP.

6) Wool Length Grammar Change

REASON: makes the wording flow and the description more clear.

Okay, cool with me! I'm fine with rewording somethings, sure, they may help. However, "Short wool resembling hair"... I think we might start seeing a *tad* more of that up saying these proposes are passed.

That is it. My end conclusion is this. We're trying to make the Jersey Wooly look more like the Netherland Dwarf.

I'm going to first off say, I have NOTHING against Netherland Dwarfs, whatsoever. I believe in TYPE over pedigree, and if a Netherland Dwarf makes us a better Jersey Wooly, than so be it. I think Jersey Woolies descending from Dwarf lines are more consistent type wise, and a lot of it being for the good.

But, the downfall is that, that's trying to breed something it is not. I like the Jersey Wooly the way it is. I see rabbits with desirable heads and nice ears win consistently on the tables. Why are we making this a problem? I would feel the same way if they tried to make our Woolies look more like a "Classic" styled wooly. A lot of people do prefer this "look" and still do consistently well on the tables without that dwarf-look factor.

The wool is what gets to me most. I will be repulsed with seeing a rabbit lacking underwool(where is where like, 98% of our density comes from?) because the other one had more texture. (Texture + Density point combined together is still far off from equaling to Texture!) This is not good.

Please, please understand my out look on these propositions. This is my opinion, I know not everybody will agree with me... I respect your opinion, so please respect mine. I'm simply supporting "NO on 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5."

Susie Cederlof (YOUTH)
Wooly World Rabbitry
District 2


Hehe. Timothy of Tru-Luv Rabbitry tagged me in "You're IT" tagging. So here are rules provided.

* Tag and link back to the person who tagged you.
* List 6 (un)important things that make you happy.
* Tag 6 bloggers and let them know they’re “it”. We all feel this blogging community to be one of inclusion and friendship.

Here is my list of "Un"important things that make me happy.

1) rabbit shows, rabbit friends, helping others, congratulating those who win honors, just because it's all nice.

2) tall buildings, traffic, airports, diversity(culture, race), and crowds of people.

3) adventuring, alone, with friends or family, rabbit related or not. I love trvelling, meeting new people, making new friends, and learning!

4) sprinklers brushing up against your window on a hot summer day, in a quiet home relaxing.

5) working. This isn't a nessesity for me yet, but it's something I truely love doing and makes me very happy being at work, working with clients and their pets.

6) talking about another's culture, religion, or how they grew up and what it's like where they are from. Of course, with those who can handle and accept mine or other's personal beliefs, especially in religion.

And now for 6 people to "tag".

1) Starlite Rabbitry

2) Keep's Rabbitry

3) Silent Springs Rabbitry

4) Imagination Acres

5) M&G Rabbitry

6) Lana's Hip Hoppin' Rabbitry

Thank you Tim! :D

Susie Cederlof
Wooly World Rabbitry

Monday, May 25, 2009

JW Nationals 2009 (day 4)

I'm ready to go back home. Home sweet California, here I come! Amber and I wake up early and head off to the airport. She drops me off, it's so funny waving your friends goodbye going home. I told her, just like I had told Katie the day before, "Guess I'll see you some time back home!"

I arrive back in California at 11:30am. I took a few photos along the way.

Places of the earth where people don't live, scary!


The snow-capped Rockies!


HUGE Congrats to Amber for winning BOSG Broken at Jersey Wooly Nationals 2009!!! Woo hoo! I believe Angel won BOSG Shaded, so congrats to her too!!!

Susie :)

Sunday, May 24, 2009

JW Nationals 2009 (day 3)

This morning, is the most exhausting morning of my LIFE. I could barely move, I was truely a walking zombie throughout the day. I actually went outside and sat for an hour because I was so so so tired. lol. We basically just hung out in the show room all day. Katie had to leave early, so we took her back to the airport. Eventually, at the end of this day I kind of perked up a little. We went to Best Buy and hung out in our rental car chatting for the longest time, and then we remembered why we were there... to get a phone charger. :P On our way back to our hotel we picked up some food at the Wendy's across the street. Amber and I layed on my bed and watched the movie, "Mama Mia!". It was such a cute movie and made me really happy, don't you just love Abba! We got bored, and drove to Target where we bought a few things. That was a ton of fun.

I quickly fell asleep that night. lol.


Terrible lighting.

Cutie lionhead.

It was lionhead nationals, too. There were over 750 lionhead entered!!!

REW Mini Rex unsure of it's identity.

Tri-color French Lop.

Lionhead drinking water.

Randy judging Lionheads. Randy was really confused when Katie and I had shown up to the table. There were many other CA exhibitors with Lions watching the judging(3 or 4). He double takes us and asks, "Your from California right?!" LOL! Yes, we are. He says, "okay just making sure..." like he was confused of his location. Katie and I got a kick out of it.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

JW Nationals 2009 (day 2)

It's early. It's dark. And we're tired. It's 2:00am Calfornia time, what do you expect? We move around the room like zombies, take showers, and head off to the show room.

There's not much to say here besides that it is a HUGE show and so much going on at once!!! Woolies are on the tables everywhere and so much confusion. I wait for my one Wooly to get on the table... I'm suprised I didn't miss it! LOL. Some of the exhibitors were rather nice, but some were rather stand offish. I was a little bummed with the attitudes of some people but what can you expect! It's competition. I, being very bubbly and nice, really puts people in a bad mood or something. It was best off I didn't talk in the show room... I usually don't let things like that affect me, but it really hit me hard like a bag of bricks that morning, I was then "ready to go home." Enough about that, anyways, Katie really cheered me up. I'm really glad she was there, I was really appriciative that Amber and Angel were there, us CA peeps gotta stick together!

I loved the quality of most of the animals there. I really can't wait to bring a BUNCH of my own woolies to Convention this year! Finally, it's my chance to not be limited to a few, who usually end up molting or out of flesh condition from harsh travels. It'll be fun. :)



Amber's buck, Flapjack.

Chillin' like a pancake Holland Lop.



Amber and Angel.


The baquet was a blast, however, I did not get any photos. The food was great and it was in a great location! Part 3 tomorrow.


Friday, May 22, 2009

Jersey Wooly Nationals 2009 (day 1)

My second flight ever, and my first flight alone. Katie gave me tons of advice on my first flight when we went to Kentucky. During our trip back home from the West Coast Classic, she assured me of a lot of things, "everything will be fine."

I wake up and mom and I travel to the Airport in Sacramento. I get ready, wave mom goodbye, and on my way to figure the whole thing out myself. I'm very happy Katie showed me what to do, it made things SO easy and SO quick, I felt like I had been doing this for years! I find where I'm supposed to be, and I wait. During this wait, I texted Katie, my mom, and another friend of mine. Katie called me and it was rather sad... a bunny trip without Katie?! I felt like backing out, I was so guilty, I told her, "You should come, my plane hasn't left yet..." jokingly. She "Hmm..." and told me to call her at my layover.

I get on the plane and read the somewhat boring magazines in the back of the seats. Before I knew it, I had arrived in Minneapolis, MN for my layover. I turn on my phone and I have a new voicemail. I go through the process of hearing it... and it's Katie. She sounded so sad, "Hey Susie, it's Katie... I was just calling to let you know..." ask I'm starting sad she goes, "that I got my plane ticket to Ohio in my hand RIGHT NOW!" What a killer! lol. I was very happy and excited. This isn't only my breed Nationals, it is her's too, for Lionheads. I let out sounds of joy on the phone and called her back, then while talking I get off the plane she had to go, she was boarding her plane. Once I hang up, I walk into the airport and all of a sudden hear some shouting...

"Susie!!! Susie!!!" my first reaction was, "Who is shouting my name in a Minnesota airport?!" I look around and see Amber waving her arms in excitement! Amber! I was so happy to see a familiar face! She saw my confusion and laughed. Talked about our flights, our rabbits, and Katie. We had an hour layover, and decided to do something fun. Amber found a little place that did all kinds of things, manicures, massages, haircuts, make-up... it was so cute. We decided to both get a manicure, I've never had one before and Amber treated me. (thank you!) We chatted some more, and thats when time started crunching down. We had to be at our flight and thats when we left, we asked for directions and was told to go all the way to the end on our left. Off we go!

We get to the end, and we show up to our terminal... and thats when things go bad. Appearently, we were in the complete wrong direction and were mislead. We got proper directions and took off running back to the Tram to take us the other direction. Luckly, I brought some running shoes, because I don't think my heels would have done me good. Amber ran and ran and RAN some more, we were track stars, racing for a gold metal! We BARELY made it to our flight. I felt like a winner. Running had never been so fun, we felt like we were in a movie!

We finally land in Columbus, Ohio. The only thing I felt was "We made it, we made it!" My heart was still pounding from the race to the flight. We catch a taxi to our room, and hang out there for a little bit. We chatted and decided to order some pizza. The pizza guy was so fabulous and needless to say, so was the pizza. ;)

We took our pizza to the airport with us to pick up our lovely friend Katie. Yay!!! We catch a taxi back and then wait for our bunnies to arrive. Ate more pizza and that's where at 12:00mid. our bunnies arrive, catch another taxi, again, back to our room where we spend the rest of our night. Go to bed "late" Ohio time, where we have a long day ahead of us in the morning.

Picked up the bunnies in the airport.

Evaluating bunnies on the pizza box while waiting for our taxi guy, "Mr. Nuru".

Getting excercise in the hotel room.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

WCC 2009 Photos (part II)

WWR Highfives, now owned by Rachelle of Wroyal Reign Rabbitry, won BOB in Open Show C!

I loved the black/white bars on this cavy.

The show room.

Katie and Rochelle posed with fuzzy show coops. :)

Shakira being judged.

Sisily on the BIS table, youth A.

Amber's buck, Sterling, lounging in a lawn chair.

Props to all the judges for posing JW correctly!

It was fabulous. :)

BOG/BOSG AOV winners, and BOG Broken winner.

I've got many pictures to share, eh?

Susie Cederlof