Thursday, June 12, 2008

I've been quite busy.

I've been quite bust lately. I'm sorry for no blog posts... I have a couple of blog comments I'd like to answer in a blog, and also a commonly asked question. Hopefully I'll get those up in the next couple of days. Of course, being me, I love pictures along with my bloggings so that's why I'll have to delay a little bit, SORRY! :P

I do want to apologize for my last postings. I was a little ticked off of somebody I didn't even know, but got on my nerves, it made me think of the past and their relations to that person. I shouldn't have gotten worked up like I did, but I couldn't help it. Things happen, people will be people.

Hobb's Katie kindled 5 kits a couple of days ago! She was bred to Wooligans/WWR Ro Sham Bo. She is a Fuzzy Lop, Ro is a Jersey Wooly. I will answer your question, "Why did you breed a Jersey Wooly to an American Fuzzy Lop?" Katie has ears less than 3 inches. Not even DQ-able for a Jersey Wooly! They stick up too, looking like a Jersey Wooly. Not only with this major ear fault, she complimented Ro very well. We'll see what happens! I will keep this situation updated with what they look like and what I will due further with them. :)

My jersey wooly babies are oh so beautiful. I'm extremely proud of my WWR Kiki, except she pulled out the white nail thing on me. A little upset, yes I am. She's beautiful. I hope she'll grow it out, ohhhh if so I couldn't wait to show her. I might even show her for fun, I'd love to hear what the judges think too.

The bunny gods have been picking on my lately, loosing Polar Bear, Kiki's white nail, Roar's broken ankle, and today I lost my little favorite Ammadon baby, I believe to a broken neck. Its terrible, I found him alive but could still move his legs but couldn't get up, I brought him inside and made a bed for him, and he died about 20-30 minutes later. Its so upsetting, I tried to hold back my tears but can't deny the sadness. I am thankful though for having for the time being. Its the least I can do. :(

Its quite strange for me to be so upset about the losses of babies lately... It's hard when its your favorite. Another reason on chances to blog I don't.

I think that's it for now, but I wanted it share this little collage I made on polaroids in photoshop. Not the best as I tried to do it quickly. lol.


I hope everybodys staying well along with their bunnies.
Thanks for reading~

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