Sunday, December 16, 2007

R.I.P. Rock Paper Scissors

Yesterday morning, we had to put down WWR Rock Paper Scissors. She was still paralysed in her hind-end, it got to where she couldn't move her front legs cause of her muscles were so weak. She was the same but you can just tell she wasn't going to get any better.

You were a wonderful little rabbit, a bunny who made me still put a lot of my hope into my Agouti herd. You won well. You were really sweet. You were one of my super favorites I ever produced.

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"When winter falls next year, I'll be holding on to anything nailed down. As for being patient, with fate and all it's getting old. And my mind is slowly changing."

4.29.07 - 12.15.07

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"In life and death you've always stole my heart.
You'll always mean so much to me it's hard to believe this."

R.I.P. Behbeh gurl. <3

It just wasn't meant to be... ='[

Thank you everybody for your help and advice you have given me, those who stood by me, gave me hope, thoughts, and prayers, everybody who gave me words of encouragement, those who checked op on her progess, the sorrys that were not your fault, special thank you to my mother, and Dr. Ted Shultz. <3

Monday, December 10, 2007

Red Bluff, CA Dec 8-9 2007

This show was deffinantly interesting. Not by the people, or wins, but the occurances that were happening.

I'm not going to get into all the "occurances" that had happened, but I'll tell you mine. I'm not going to go into to much detail, I'm not too proud to talk about them...

First, one of my buns decided to fly, and in the process, she has scratched my face. I have very sensitive skin so my face felt like it was swelling and I got all teary eyed. Shortly after, one of my does fractured her spine(not really sure how she did this). One of my best does at that too. We tried getting her to the vet, the only vet around was a small animal clinic, BUT didn't accept rabbits. Never heard of such a thing. So We took her into our local vet today. She seems to be doing better, the fracture really isn't bad. If she has feeling by tomorrow morning she will most likely be okay. I'll keep you all updated. This doe is WWR Rock Paper Scissors, the beautiful little Chestnut agouti who has been appeared MANY times in my blog.

Lets talk about some wins. =]

Saturday Youth Show A Woolies: Allen Ormond
WWR Sisily- 1/2
WWR Abby- 1/1 BOG, BOSB
WWR Ammadon- 1/3 BOG
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WWR Abbygail

Saturday Youth Show B Woolies: Josh Humphries
Sisily- 1/2
Abby- 1/1 BOG
Ammadon- 1/3 BOSG

Sunday Youth Show A Woolies: Keelyn Hanlon
Sisily- 1/1 BOG, BOB (Honorable Mention for BIS)
Abby- 1/1 BOG
Ammadon- 2/2
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WWR Sisly

Sunday Youth Show A Woolies: Randy Shumaker
Sisily- 1/1
Abby- 1/1 BOG
Ammadon- 1/2 BOG, BOB
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Thumperhills Ammadon

So, my results were good! That really did make a lot feel better. All judges gave my woolies WONDERFUL comments, I think that was the most important part, all the judges really liked them, it was very well worth the trip for me to receive the comments I did.

Here is a video of Youth BIS Judging on Sunday. Judge is Joey S. My wooly doe "WWR Sisily" recieves Honorable Mention. She was one of only a few who were pulled out again.

I'll get some other "Show Scene" pictures up soon. =]
Thanks for reading.
Susie Cederlof

Sunday, November 25, 2007

"Aww, da baybees!"

Babies are growing up here at Wooly World Rabbitry, and the cute stage is kicking in. A line my 19 year brother has always said since he was 17 comes into place. "Aww, da baybees!" A deep low voice he'd say it with with a smile on his face. Augie has always loved my baby rabbits.

Back when he had less hours to work and was home early, he'd catch me around 8 o'clock playing with my bunnies for the night on the couch before its time to put them away. I'd find my brother playing with them, sometimes laying on the couch, talking to them. Theres always that little soft spot in my brothers hard heart of his, a love for animals.

I went outside and took pictures of some of the babies today, and adults. The babies are so cute and some are really promising. I do have a favorite, who is Mew, a REW buck. I didn't do this for long as we do live in "The Windy City" and the wind picked up. Blowing my buns fur all over, hard to take a picture like that.

First we have is Blue Belle X Hamlet babies. Both these two are very promising. Unfortunatley one is a charlie and has no nose marking. Cuter than anything though. I named the REW buck, WWR Mew and the brkn. tort buck is WWR Togepi. These guys are "pokemon". ;) lol.

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WWR Mew- REW Junior Buck

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WWR Togepi- Broken Tort[charlie] Junior Buck

Our Second litter of babies is our Pearl X Hamlet cross. I've named one of these babies so far. The blue do is showable and the two blacks are not. They have white spots on thier bellies, I suppose maybe they are overly marked brokens. They are adorable and sweet though, would make wonderful pets. ;)

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WWR Black Junior Doe, WWR Hanna Beth- Blue Junior Doe, WWR Black Junior Buck

Third batch to be born are these two. The pointed white doe is fostered to Cleo, who is a Kipsie X Boulder babies. =) The REW buck is Cleopatra X Hamlet. Yes, Hamlet has been getting the job done around here. ;) Both of these too have cute looks to them, both should be show babies.

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Left: Blue Pointed White Doe by Boulder X Kipsie
Right: REW Bcuk by Hamlet X Cleopatra

Last but not least, we have a Siamese Sable buck by Pop Quiz X Pia. This was a test combo, not really disired for a show quality animal. He doesn't look too bad, though. ;)

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Let me know if you would be interested in any of these babies. =) I do have ideas of who I'm keeping now and am not. I'm sure some of these will be pets, such as Togepi and the two blacks.

Susie =)

Lodi, CA 11.24.07

Today was a pretty decent show day. I only brought a few rabbits to show. Two woolies and three fuzzies to be exact.

I'm keeping this post very simple and sweet, I'm tired and really want to go to bad. ;)

Show A JW: I won BOSB with WWR Abbygail. She's my REW Senior Doe whos taken many months to develop. =P I'm very pround of her. She has many many many group wins where shes just needed an extra rabbit or exibitor to win a leg. She finally got her first. ;)
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Show B JW: I won BOB with my new Shaded Senior Buck, Thumperhill's Ammadon. This is his granding out leg. I'm happy he did well. I honestly can't wait to get some babies from him. Excuse his bad picture, hes a bit of a table hugger! lol. And the lighting is soo horrible, I'll get a new one up soon!!!
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In Show B AFL: Addison won 2/6. Yay. Theres a little story behind this, I'll just say I'll re-tatt him for a better win next time! lol.
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Until next time, may your bunnies be wonderful winners. See everyone in Red Bluff!

*Stockton, CA show pictures comming soon!*

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Napa, CA + Fresno, CA shows

Here are a few updates on wins... =)

We attended the Napa, CA show on 10.28.07. I brought 6 woolies and two American Fuzzy Lops. Everybody was just comming out of molts that day, we decided to go because my mom really likes this show. Its a little more calming than usual. In the morning I decided to add on one wooly. As making the add on for show B(after I just done "A") A was targeted by the Mini Rew people. I was trying to do an add on! But did about 5 or 6 other requests for people, add ons, moves, scratches, ear # changes... When I got my wooly added on, I realized everyone was gone, and I fleed the scene. ;) Didn't get far, though. I saw Leslie T. was juding with everyone whatching her checking over their holland lops. "Leslie, you need a clerk?" "Sure, get clerking!" And thats how my day began. Good thing I had arrived early and got all my buns groomed/blown. It's certantly an honor working with Leslie. She is a wonderful judge. =)

I had shown open this day. My mom put all my rabbits on/off the table while I was clerking. Thank you mom! =D

In Show B Hare's Mystic took BOSB.
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Now, we have Fresno, CA which was on 11.10.07. I brought 5 woolies and 1 fuzzy. I woke up at 4:00am for this show, and my mom drove me over to Lodi, where lovely Katie R.(Starlite Rabbitry) was comming through and picked me up. Off to another adventure, this time into Central California.

I woke up that morning with no voice. What-so-ever. A faint sound or two may have come out when I said, "Oh, Katie isn't going to belive this!" After warming my voice up, some come out, it was harsh and squeaky. Oh boy, did it hurt to talk when you "Cs" or "Ks". I adjusted. From Lodi CA we took a 2 1/2 hour drive or so down to Fresno. We did good on our driving directions, and Katie had some good natural instincts. We arrived at the show room about 15 till 8:00(am) and paid and went to grab something to eat. We then met our friend, Michael P. or Silent Springs Rabbitry, which has been a long wait and a long time of internet connection. Yay! It was awesome for us to talk with him the whole show, and see his wonderful Mini Lops, which just seem more gorgeous in person. We also got to meet his one and only American Fuzzy Lop!

After a long show day, we did some "pairing" up of Katie's and Jenny + Mary H's Fuzzy Lops. We did some complimenting, looking at the bucks/does that would produce nice babies.

I only did a *little* clerking this show. I was sick, I told my self I was going to relax and take it easy. I only ended up clearking for youth Jersey Woolies. THat was enough. My allergies started acting up then. =P

I took many BOG, and BOSG. I also took BOB and BOSB in show B! Our winners:
BOB- Wooligan's Party Girl
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BOSB was Hare's Mistic, pictured above.

We all did great this day. Congrats everyone. =)

Here is a picture of some of us Fuzzy Lop owners- (left to right) Jenny H., Katie R., Susie C. Photo taken by Mary H.
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Thanks for reading!
Wooly World Rabbitry

A Couple of Cute Babies

A couple days ago I decided to take pictures of some of the current babies. One litter looks big enough for some pictures, the others are still a little small and skiddish. These are our first live White Oak's Blue Belle babies and first litter of Wooligans Hamlet babies.

These two were born on 10.21.07. We have a REW buck(WWR Mew) and a Brkn. Blue Tort who is a charlie due to no nose marking(WWR Togepi). Both have exellent personalities and have the cutest faces I've seen in a while.

I took many many pictures of the two, here are my few favorites of the bunch.
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I plan on getting pictures of the other litter who are ready to be on the carpet, within the next couple of days. =)

Sorry for the lack of updates! Phew, am I busy! Try and catch me at a show and say "hi!". I'll be at Stockton, Lodi, and Red Bluff(both days).

<3 Susie

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Our Show Winners

We have started the shows back up, after a long 5 months of not attending on single ARBA show. The anticipation had build up and we hit out first show in Stockton, CA 9.18.07.

It was great to see everyone, and see some new faces on the wooly tables. Everyone had some really impressive animals up.

In Woolies, we did fairly well. We had molters, and supposivly the molty woolcap fad is bad in. I brought a couple of does who don't want to be bred so they will get "in the modd" after attending a show. That has always worked for me. =)

Our little chestnut doe WWR RPS had done well her first show. I really like this does type, she is very complete. Both shows at Stockton, she got 1/3. She didn't get shown at Watsonville, as she started molting and still is in a molt. Sorry for this older picture.
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LeSage's Shakira was also shown in Stockton. Show A she was 1/4 and BOG. Shakire is in a molt, in her picture. We are currently trying to get some nice babies out of her.
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Our Chin buck, WWR Peter has been doing awesome too! This is the longest I've seen his coat ever. Hes a table hugger, so sometimes he doesn't get the best impression. He was 1/5 BOG at Stockton, CA show B. At Watsonville, he was 2/5 specialty. Show A 1/6 BOG.
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We had shown 1 Fuzzy at Stockton. This was Kismet's Sia. She took 1/2 BOV show A, and 1/2 BOV, BOSB show B. She is looking cute!
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Also, at Watsonville we had only shown 1 AFL. I brought WWR Carley, and Orange one day till senior doe. She placed well. I'm very happy for her.
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I'm happy to see Hare's Mystic do well on the tables. He's been moulty for a while but he came back in right in time for the show season! He shown at Watsonville, CA. Specialty show, he was 1/7. Show A, he was 2/7 and show B he was 1/7 again. Two more legs for him! He's at about 8-9 legs now.
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Wooligan's Party Girl tagged along to get back in the mood for breeding. Ever since her first litter she lost condition and isn't quite ever back in it since. Result- she doesn't show as well. She did do decent at Stockton and Watsonville. Stockton show A she was 1/1 BOG and show B 1/1 BOSG. Watsonville she was 1/3 BOSG Specialty, show A 1/1 BOSB and show B 1/1 BOG. Hopefully we will have some babies from her soon...
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I'm proud of my little REW doe, WWR Abby. She looked decent for both shows, and did pretty well. Stockton she was 2/3 show A and show B 1/3 BOSB. Watsonville show took 2/4 specialty show. Show A 1/4 BOSG and show B 3/4.
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Last but not least, WWR Sisily. Shes the cute little AOV who was BOB at Solano County Fair. She is DQ'ed most of her shows for being in "unreconized" variety. She may be a lilac pointed, but I still think she is a black like she was when she was a baby. At Stockton she was 1/1 show A. Show B Watsonville she was 1/2, BOG, and BOSB! Shes a pretty doe. I probably will not show her until her color darkens back up again. Stupid weather. =P
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I have a few rabbits availible for sale, if interested please email me asap! ;)
Susie =)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Selling out? Nope!

No. Of course not!

I've heard some rumor going around, that I have been selling out. I've had a few dissapointed people come up to me and told me I CANNOT do this! Well, the good news is, I am NOT selling out! Accually, I never was. ;)

What HAS been happening is I've been cutting down majorly. I've been a very busy person, and have not had enough time to take care of as many bunnies as I had. Since then, I've reduced about 25 rabbits. Thanks to all the buyers and I hope you have very good luck with them! I have also raffled a few, so good luck to any who has those, most are very nice starter stock. There *is* one rabbit I'd love to mention I raffled. A Sable Martin Doe at Watsonville. This doe was VERY complete. Very lovely solid body with beautiful flowing wool. I did know the winner of this doe was new, with those babies, she shall have some BUTT KICKERS on the table! I saw her back before the lucky ticket was picked, it was a little more than half full. Congrats to the winner- I hope you get some healthy babies from her! =)

A little about life... I'm a sophomore at Rio Vista High School. We have been in school for about 5 weeks. Clases are going well and managing everything is not! I have a lot of work, so completing it takes time. I'm sorry to all of those who have emailed me and I don't get back within the first day or two, my appologies! 4-H is going well, not as great as I'd hope but its okay. I've been so busy my best friend has been comming over o help me take care of the rabbits. BIG THANKS to Bri for helping me out!!! Matter of fact, she is pulling off a junior coat off Rock Paper Scissors. =P

The rabbits have been fine, I never realized I had all color groups of Jersey Woolies now. Since Dorissa sold out I gained Shadeds and Pointed Whites, the two LAST color groups I wanted or expected to have. The type is wayyy too exeptional to pass up, and I'll always have Type before color. ;) As for news we do have a new buck in out herd, he happens to be the lovely and famous Wooligans Hamlet! Huge thanks to Katie Rodgers of Starlite Rabbitry for this lovely boy! He has already been busy with the girls. ;) Currently, he is molting and gowing in a brand new gorgeous coat. =) Here is the process:

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Wooligans Hamlet and his toy.

For those who don't know, Hamlet is a very nice wooly who is pretty well known around the California area. Lisa K.(breeder) had kept and shown him for a long time and earn quite a few legs on him. He was then sold to Katie R. for the starting of her wooly project, when she decided not to own the woolys, she had kept him as a loving pet for a while. =) I then bought him and now he is getting some jobs done around here. lol. Thanks a bunch. =) Hamlet has about 10 legs currently.

As for some of you know, there is a very special bunny in my life. Her name is Ms. Audrey. Audrey was born and within hours she had wool tangled around her leg and the circulation was cut off, in result, it puffed up and turned black and blue. Weeks gone by, after a few days of it happening I had expected her to pass on. After those few days we took her into the vet to have it checked. Doctor Ted pinched it and sure enough, she still had feeling. I thought she was going to loose her whole leg to this, but she managed to come back through, though she did loose a couple of toes. Audrey is a very special bunny to me, she puts so much more joy into my life, lightens it up and shows me 'you can'. I want to thank Dr. Ted S. for not letting me put her to sleep! Audrey means A LOT to me. A lot to friends and family too. =)

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Audrey and I on my bed. =P

For the Nursery, we DO have some news! We have one Am. Fuzzy Lop baby in the nest box. This was Meena X Taboo's baby. Its a broken opal, born on Sep. 19th 2007. This baby was born on my friend Katie's birthday(Starlite Rabbitry) so I'll be hoping its a lovely little girl to name after Katie. =P Here is baby "Kaddie" and mama Meena. =)

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Meena and her Brkn. Opal baby.

As you can tell, we have MANY updates! Wish I had more time to do this within other days. Continueing...

I want to do a little braggg, I have a very cute promising little black buck in my hands. This boy is Audrey's sibling, his parents are WWR Pearl(2 BOSB legs) and WWR Sleepwalker. This little guys name is WWR SleepTALKER hince the theme of daddys name. ;) He was a talkative baby too! Sleeptalker went to his first show on 9.29.07, in Watsonville, CA. For the PCJWRC Open Specialty, he recieved 2nd of about 6 in his class. In Youth A, he has recieved 2/3 and show B 3/3 loosing on maturity. I cannot wait for this little guy to grow up a bit! He's gonna be a show stopper! Here is his most recent picture of him, taken a few days ago:

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WWR Sleeptalker.

Also, here is a picture of his father, who has been for sale for quite some time but I think I'm going to hang on to him for a little while longer. ;)
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WWR Sleepwalker.

One very last thing, and I'm pretty sure I'm done. I want to say GOOD LUCK to Nitsa and her daughter on their new pet bunny from us! They made a very long trip up to Watsonville to pick up Mini. She is such a sweetheart and deffinantly will be missed. Congrats on the love and I hope you enjoy her! I'm sure you will and she is deffiantly going to enjoy the extra spoling. ;)

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Mini with a mirror shot.

I think that wraps it up! My appoligies to those not so quick emails and bombardments at the rabbit shows! I never knew I'd be such a busy person. If you have any questions or comments, you can either post a comment to this blog or send me an email at . Thank you all for reading, and lots of hugs and bunny kisses! =)

Wooly World Rabbitry