Sunday, September 27, 2009

#6 2008-2009 AFL of the Year

My little Twin Elm's Independence Day! I'm so happy and quite proud of him! He was such a great find and I truly thank his breeders; Patricia and Adrienne Terry of Twin Elm's Rabbitry for letting me own such a fine buck.

Since his most recent photos have been quite repetitive, I'm going to share an old one.

Indy giving Hobb's Meena a kiss, was to be his future girlfriend. R.I.P. Meena!

Speaking of Meena, I think of her quite often and really emotional about her. She truly absolutely stole my heart. She was such an amazing bunny, always so happy, she was quite sunny all the time. ♥ Miss her a lot.

Yay for Indy! :)


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Beebee Woolies

To cheer up this dump-bucket of bad feelings the last few blog posts... how about some baby pictures?

Sable Martin Buck
(Caudill's Slim Shady X WWR Raquel)

Black Buck
(Caudill's Slim Shady X WWR Raquel)

Opal Junior Buck
(Wooligans/WWR Ro Sham Bo X White Oak's Blue Belle)

I hope everything starts looking up. When things do life quickly takes them away from you. Thanks everyone for the blog comments, you guys are AWESOME!!! I was very very excited for my fuzzies this last weekend. There were a bunch of nice fuzzies up on the table, it meant a lot!


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stockton Show Yesterday

I could say "I'm Sorry" for my full on rant yesterday, but not fully sure if I'd mean it. I feel quite bad that I went a little batty on how I was feeling. I was having a rough day with all the drama I am circled around when I show my American Fuzzy Lop rabbits. I feel quite guilty that I didn't have time to chat with Angel but did get a few moments to talk to Amber... that was nice. Amber is such a wonderful person, and so calm and serene with her words. I also got to chat with Danielle which was nice, she isn't crazy either. I really miss my Jersey Wooly group. I get so caught up with the Fuzzies and feel so pressured to know what is going on every single moment cause more than half of the time it isn't any good.

I did well with my bunnies yesterday. Especially my American Fuzzy Lops. Results go like this:

AFL Show A:
Lil' Bit Farm's Madalyn- 1/6, BOV, BOB! (1st Leg)
Lil' Bit Farm's Bjork- 1/2
Twin Elm's Independence Day- 1/3, BOV, BOSB! (6th Leg)
Lucky Lop's Abraham- 2/3

AFL Show B:
Lil' Bit Farm's Madalyn- 2/6
Lil Bit Farm's Bjork- 1/2
Twin Elm's Independence Day- 1/3, BOV, BOB! (7th Leg)
Lucky Lop's Abraham- 2/3

JW Show A & B:
LeSage's Cracker Jack- 1/1 BOG
Skyview's Brittany- 1/1 BOG


I'm quite excited and very proud... I want to thank everyone who congratulated me! (especially if you honestly meant it!)

I find it HILARIOUS that I am congratulated when competition isn't ones problem in the matter of youth/open. However if I were in the open competition and had won I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have been congratulated! Or, in such a happy manner. I'm not going to go into details, but THANK YOU Jenny who meant it and then called me to tell me the rumor of her being "mad" that I won (which I barely believe in the first place cause it didn't add up) was actually a rumor. I didn't think about it much until she did call me about it!

Twin Elm's Independence Day

Lil' Bit Farm's Madalyn

Thanks to all my understanding friends... it's too bad I feel really scared about mentioning the things/sicknesses I did below, because people interpret things the wrong way... though I have come across those problems in my time, none are a present problem. And hopefully never again a future problem.


Saturday, September 19, 2009

No Tea No Shade

First off, a HUGE Happy Birthday to my best friend, and partner in crime, Katie! Today was the Stockton show and she came to celebrate her birthday with us. It's too bad we didn't have cake and ice cream, but, both probably would have melted. Today was the hottest rabbit show YET I've been too.

This is where things get ugly. I'm quite the humble person and through many years of hurt and depression, I try and learn not to take people and life personally. Though, it doesn't completely make all my problems go away, it does relieve my stress which is HUGE deal too... I've very stress prone and get ILL when it is too much.

I've shown rabbits for 6 years, breeding for 5 years. Though, maybe the first couple of years I was a complete "newb" as you would call it, with ugly stock and didn't have a chance on the show tables. These were Jersey Woolies, and 3 1/2 years ago I got started in American Fuzzy Lops and it was quite a shock from there. Though, it was about a year until it really kicked in.

My blog used to be a very open place filled with lots of happiness and sadness. My blog is not solely based for advice but lots of experience. You can see my herd grow throughout this blog and the accomplishes I've made, and too the mistakes. We either learn through our own or understand by others. Not everything was picture perfect until I posted about a complete devastation that had happened in my rabbitry, a mistake I had made, something I was surely ashamed of and VERY upset with myself about. As an open person, I felt explaining it out on this blog can avoid the same mistake in the future for other people in the hobby. I got attacked as if I had put this upon my animals and I wanted to hurt them even though I was hurt most of all. I decided that MAYBE blogging about the stuff that DOES happen to everyone one time or another to a rabbit breeder or what REALLY goes on in a rabbitry in not a good idea. I love writing and felt like a part was taken from me, but, it may be protecting my safely. Those HRS people are pretty psychotic...

Well you know what. Screw that. I've had my last straw in this stupid rabbit world and trying to hide SO much. From now on, I'm going to tell you guys EVERYTHING. How about we talk about the crappy exhibitors we have to show with and their POOR attitudes? What about snuffles? I'll tell you how to SAVE a rabbit with fly strike. We've all been there but secretly we all act like we are perfect and don't have bad situations stumble upon us. When did we become such BABIES when it comes to the truth? Why can't we just listen, and maybe not judge each other, or bash each other, or even stick up our noses like somebody is better than the next breeder.

I BREED RABBITS. And with GOOD, comes BAD. I don't care what anyone says. I've been in this for 6 years and I've been lied to, cheated, stolen from, I've been shit talked on, I've been used, I've had rabbits die, I've had snuffles, I've had rabbits eat their babies and I've pulled out stuck kits from does. I've been ALL the way around the block, and though it sucks, I don't think its ever going to not happen again, but hopefully I can prevent it. And heck, my rabbits have even had matts more than a time or two.

We all keep on the DL when it is something we really don't like talking about or are embarrassed to talk about. I always wonder, how does this do any good for anybody? I cannot help but think about Katie and Timothy as I write this blog now. I remember the first time I really TALKED about snuffles for the first time with other breeders, and still many were not wanting to say much! Katie posted on Rabbit Habbit a thread telling people to speak up about this deadly disease. It did not mean she, or I, or anyone who spoke up had snuffles at the moment, but it was just a hopeful thread that could give others heads up on the virus and share what we have experienced/believe. Maybe even one day work together and gather this info as whole and find a cure? We're all pansy's when it comes down to the situation. No tea no shade.

Timothy recently posts pictures of two kits who are deceased and I give him props for that. We as humans are so stingy and pretend death doesn't happen. We pretend bad doesn't happen. My heart goes to him for his deaths and have been in the SAME place. I used to share my dead kits too! Max factors, fetal giants... deadly situations for the kits and even sometimes the birthing doe. We are just screaming, WARNING!

This blog has gotten WAY too long, and I hope you guys all understand where I am coming from when I write this. It's been a long day, and too often I forget this is my blog, these are my rabbits, and this is what I love enjoying. If anybody has a problem, please feel free to ask me about it or simply unsubscribing to my blog.

Please excuse my anger, but I'm tired of hiding the truth.


Oh, and how about some CUTE to cool us off now? AWWW... Lucky Lop's Fiona Apple.


Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome Back Katie

We all go through rough times, and usually having to make tough, unwanted decisions that are best for the time being. Sometimes, it's not for a long time, sometimes it is, sometimes it's permanent. But love always finds it way back to the heart it's meant to be in, and I'm happy to hear Katie will be back into the rabbit hobby, showing her animals.

Formally known as "Starlite Rabbitry", Katie has changed it to "Kagee Rabbitry". Her new blog is: and don't forget to change your bookmarks and subscribe! :) She states her old blog posts will remain on her old blog.

Welcome back best friend! :)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Prayers For Lauren

The infamous Lauren of Lil' Bun Designs and her family have taken a hard hit and loss in their lives. Please everyone send many thoughts and prayers to her and her family to make it through the toughest of times. Through this, I am sure that her business will be set back for the time being.

Love you Lauren and thinking for you.


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Getting Least of Credits

It's been over 3 years since I owned my first American Fuzzy Lop rabbit. It was a long, pretty rocky road at first. I had the hardest type getting my own animals bred and simply was not competitive enough. Like any herd, mine needed much improvement, and that's what I went after.

Within that year, Katie and I did a split shipment from Michigan of Fuzzy Lop rabbits. Don't get me wrong, we got a handful of pretty nice rabbits, but the few last minute add-ins from the other breeders we're not what we were going for, but decided to hold onto them anyways.

Eventually, that kick dwindled down. I got babies from my does, Kismet's Conejita(who still lives in our line) and Kismet's Sia, however I sold the one kit I did get from her(who was a really nice buck) and sold them both in a herd reduction.

It was until two years later, a bright idea came up, and I wasn't the one who came up with this idea... LOL. At first, I was still kind of "new" and was a little skeptical, but said, "Hey, why not!"

Within two months, there we were, pulling into Leslie Hobbs' driveway... over 700 miles away from home. It had been a long journey, but Katie and I ... we were QUITE thrilled... this was it. This was the type we liked. I brought home a trio, and Katie brought home two trios. At a point, I didn't know if I was coming home with anything, because I wasn't that into it. The pair I brought home directly from Leslie we in some of the first few cages when you walked in, it WAS loved at first site.... :)

Today, I only have one rabbit from my original string left here, and little of the old like I had. I really wish that would have worked too, but I guess it wasn't meant to be.

In life we constantly grow. And as we grow, life does not wait for us. Dreams we must chase. Paths we must take to get on the right track. As humans we do make mistakes, and sometimes, we must be willing to sacrifice to make them the way we want them and right. That is why I encourage anybody, who doesn't like where they are at, is to adventure and start over if you have too. It's all part of learning... and almost all of us have learned this in this hobby. Sometimes, it takes a couple/few times to make it right, or the way to want it. I completely understand liking/wanting different TYPE STYLES. They do exist.




Twin Elm's Independence Day- a Broken Orange Senior Buck I had an eye for at Convention last year in Louisville, Kentucky! He somehow ended up with a FOR SALE tag, and I about died... I think it was meant to be! <3

Follow your dreams! And as a dear friend told me last night, "This is your hobby, not theirs." applies for everything, and gives me encouragement to share these photos. Hope you enjoy. :)


Friday, September 4, 2009

Fall Quickly Approaching

Oh summer, where have you gone? Not only was summer quick to come and go, it wasn't much of a summer in the first place. We did have hot days, but very few. It was a cool summer though, I'm not complaining, for the rabbits, that is!

I will be at the Stockton Rabbit Show on September 19. Can you believe it, it's been 5 months since I last attended an all breed rabbit show in California! The three that I did attend in the past five months were Jersey Wooly Nationals in Columbus, Ohio, the Summer Wool Backyard Show in Portola Valley, CA and the Benefit Show for Kevin Rudolph in Monroe, Washington. It seems like it has been forever, no wonder.

Other than that, we do not have much going on here. Lots of molts and out of condition bunnies, sounds the usual. Ro Sham Bo came inside to play with my niece tonight, too cute. He is such a great rabbit and does a wonderful job at stealing peoples hearts. His coat is about to blow out. Don't think it'll make it until this weekend. He probably won't be going to convention. :(

I'm obviously not patient enough. Look at this buck I had been trying to sell for months? Gorgeous! I should keep him around, been thinking about it, but I'm really trying to keep my numbers small. *sigh* What to do... what to do...


I have many idea coming up for this blog. I know, I always say this! It's been busy and I think it's going to continue to get busier. I need to jot it down though, too often do I forget things.

I miss my rabbit friends. Just thought I'd let you know. LOL.
