First off, a HUGE Happy Birthday to my best friend, and partner in crime, Katie! Today was the Stockton show and she came to celebrate her birthday with us. It's too bad we didn't have cake and ice cream, but, both probably would have melted. Today was the hottest rabbit show YET I've been too.
This is where things get ugly. I'm quite the humble person and through many years of hurt and depression, I try and learn not to take people and life personally. Though, it doesn't completely make all my problems go away, it does relieve my stress which is HUGE deal too... I've very stress prone and get ILL when it is too much.
I've shown rabbits for 6 years, breeding for 5 years. Though, maybe the first couple of years I was a complete "newb" as you would call it, with ugly stock and didn't have a chance on the show tables. These were Jersey Woolies, and 3 1/2 years ago I got started in American Fuzzy Lops and it was quite a shock from there. Though, it was about a year until it really kicked in.
My blog used to be a very open place filled with lots of happiness and sadness. My blog is not solely based for advice but lots of experience. You can see my herd grow throughout this blog and the accomplishes I've made, and too the mistakes. We either learn through our own or understand by others. Not everything was picture perfect until I posted about a complete devastation that had happened in my rabbitry, a mistake I had made, something I was surely ashamed of and VERY upset with myself about. As an open person, I felt explaining it out on this blog can avoid the same mistake in the future for other people in the hobby. I got attacked as if I had put this upon my animals and I wanted to hurt them even though I was hurt most of all. I decided that MAYBE blogging about the stuff that DOES happen to everyone one time or another to a rabbit breeder or what REALLY goes on in a rabbitry in not a good idea. I love writing and felt like a part was taken from me, but, it may be protecting my safely. Those HRS people are pretty psychotic...
Well you know what. Screw that. I've had my last straw in this stupid rabbit world and trying to hide SO much. From now on, I'm going to tell you guys EVERYTHING. How about we talk about the crappy exhibitors we have to show with and their POOR attitudes? What about snuffles? I'll tell you how to SAVE a rabbit with fly strike. We've all been there but secretly we all act like we are perfect and don't have bad situations stumble upon us. When did we become such BABIES when it comes to the truth? Why can't we just listen, and maybe not judge each other, or bash each other, or even stick up our noses like somebody is better than the next breeder.
I BREED RABBITS. And with GOOD, comes BAD. I don't care what anyone says. I've been in this for 6 years and I've been lied to, cheated, stolen from, I've been shit talked on, I've been used, I've had rabbits die, I've had snuffles, I've had rabbits eat their babies and I've pulled out stuck kits from does. I've been ALL the way around the block, and though it sucks, I don't think its ever going to not happen again, but hopefully I can prevent it. And heck, my rabbits have even had matts more than a time or two.
We all keep on the DL when it is something we really don't like talking about or are embarrassed to talk about. I always wonder, how does this do any good for anybody? I cannot help but think about Katie and Timothy as I write this blog now. I remember the first time I really TALKED about snuffles for the first time with other breeders, and still many were not wanting to say much! Katie posted on
Rabbit Habbit a thread telling people to speak up about this deadly disease. It did not mean she, or I, or anyone who spoke up had snuffles at the moment, but it was just a hopeful thread that could give others heads up on the virus and share what we have experienced/believe. Maybe even one day work together and gather this info as whole and find a cure? We're all pansy's when it comes down to the situation. No tea no shade.
Timothy recently posts pictures of two kits who are deceased and I give him props for that. We as humans are so stingy and pretend death doesn't happen. We pretend bad doesn't happen. My heart goes to him for his deaths and have been in the SAME place. I used to share my dead kits too! Max factors, fetal giants... deadly situations for the kits and even sometimes the birthing doe. We are just screaming, WARNING!
This blog has gotten WAY too long, and I hope you guys all understand where I am coming from when I write this. It's been a long day, and too often I forget this is my blog, these are my rabbits, and this is what
I love enjoying. If anybody has a problem, please feel free to ask me about it or simply unsubscribing to my blog.
Please excuse my anger, but I'm tired of hiding the truth.
Oh, and how about some CUTE to cool us off now? AWWW... Lucky Lop's Fiona Apple.