Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope everybody has a wonderful day and stuffs their faces with various yummy foods. :)

I give thanks for my family, my friends, my bunnies, my job, Rabbit Habbit Forums, and thank you to all of my blog readers! If it weren't for you guys, I wouldn't be posting blogs about life in the day of Wooly World Rabbitry.

Here are some more pictures from Pomona, this weekend. LOL.



English Lop tower!

Bunny butts. :)

BIS Table.

Chinchilla, the specie.

Katie's torts, my broken oranges.


Clark H. A Wonder Woolies son. :)

Allen's lovely dogs, who are ever so sad to be crated at the Rabbit Show. Such good dogs. :)

Texel Cavy.

More photos to come! I need to catch up...
Have a Happy Thanksgiving...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Though it is Later, We are Closer.

Closer to Fresno, that is! We stopped at Tulare where we stayed in the same Motel as the night before. It was late, but we were closer to Fresno which means a little more time to sleep in the morning.

We wake up, still, it's early. Get ready and this night we left the bunnies in the car. It was cool enough and we just covered them. We pack up, and go. Bunnies are alert and quite happy looking. Maybe they were just happy to see us.

We drove and hour to Fresno, where Katie and I were mislead by directions. The fog was thicker than the morning before, and the scariest part on that adventure where a couple dogs chasing cars, yes, in the fog. Sometimes you can't believe how irresponsible people are with there pets... we did turn around, stopped at a gas station and the directions took us the complete opposite way, we make it to the show on time though.

We meet up with Rachelle of Wroyal Reign Lops and decide to set up with her. Woolies are quickly on the table, where Amy of Amy's Bunny Barn greets me. It was great to see Amy again, it's been a few months. We were waiting for Amber, of Wonder Woolies Rabbitry and I was wondering where Michael, of Silent Springs Rabbitry was. Can you say was I nervous?!

Rachelle's English Lop set up, nice!

Mine and Katie's bunnies.

Fuzzy Lops go up the same time of woolies, so I have to pick one or the other to watch... I chose the Woolies. I hadn't had this judge in a very long time and value his opinions, I wanted to take it in. :)

The results went a little like this:
Show A:
Brightside's Paix- 1/?, BOG, BOB! (LEG)
White Oak's Sesshomaru- 1/? BOSG
WWR Constant Comment- 2/2
WWR Raquel- 1/1
Thumperhill's Ammadon- 1/5 BOG BOSB! (LEG)
Wooligans/WWR Ro Sham Bo- 1/2 BOG
Hobb's Meena- 2/3
Twin Elm's Independance Day- 1/3 BOV! (LEG)

Unfortunately, our Amber missed show A Jersey Woolies. But shortly after both our friends meet up, Amber and Michael. It was good to know both of them were safe, sometimes you can't help but be concerned with how bad the fog was! I've never seen fog so bad, it was as worse as it could get.

It was time to just hang out, and chat. Best part of shows are your friends. Rachelle, Katie, Michael and I spent most of the time together, Amber joining in when she could. I was getting very tired, I took a few pictures of the show room but my camera was dead. At the Shell Gas Station it cost $4.00 for TWO DOUBLE A BATTERIES! Uh-uhh. Out of my price range.


Fresno Showroom.

Rachelle brought out her English Lop, Ashton, to show Amber's boys and talk with them about the breed. Not only did Amber and her boy's valued this information, Katie and I did too. The breed is very gentle and loving, which we had never known. I think Rachelle has convinced a lot of us. I don't think this breed could have a better representer. I'm compassionate for this breed, maybe I'll decide to have one one day. :) Here is a picture of Amber's boys looking into the large ears to see the brain, or just maybe, through to see each other! LOL!

Too cute!

After a Taco-Bell run, Woolies go up again. I'm eating a Nacho Bell Grande while watching my animals being judged and carrying some, too. Here are our Woolies results.
Show B:
Brightside's Paix- 1/7 BOG, BOB! (4th LEG!)
White Oak's Sesshomaru- 2/4
WWR Constant Comment- 2/2
WWR Raquel- 1/1
Thumperhill's Ammadon- 1/5 BOG BOSB! (LEG)
Wooligans/WWR Ro Sham Bo- 1/2 BOG (LEG)

Hoorah for consistency! I love it. :) I'm very happy for my Paix.

Michael's show B rolls around, and in the process Katie and I gave his mini lop's some luvins. Michael has done a beautiful job with the color on type standard. I've never seen such pretty colors(Chocolate Chestnut, anyone?) and Michael surely knows what he is talking about. A+++ for typy color mini lops. Such sweet bunnies too.

Picture taken by Rachelle of Wroyal Reign Lops. Thanks Rachelle!

Show B fuzzies, finally! I'm getting tired and so is everybody else. I was so ecstatic to see Katie's little junior buck, "Nova" win BOB! Now that isn't something you see too often! Congrats to Katie, we all know this is going to be one fabulous buck. I have to admit, I'm quite scarred. lol. Our buck, Twin Elm's Independence Day, takes 1/3 and BOV again, winning another LEG.

We all teamed up and helped Rachelle carry her 4 big babies over to the judges table. I've never carried a big rabbit before(besides my Californians). English Lop's surely beat that! It was great though, they don't kick or struggle. PLUS. :) Rachelle's doe win BOB.

Awesomeness, the day is over, besides one thing, Best In Show! It was really cool, Katie had her Fuzzy Lop, Rachelle her English Lop, and me my Jersey Wooly. We put our kids next to each other, too cute!



Most of the BIS table.

Katie's little JUNIOR Buck got an Honorable Mention! *passes out* That will be one super buck.

Long day, I empty my water cups so they don't splash on the ride home, pack up and go. Back into the car we always know... Katie and I meet up with my mom where my mom came to pick me up like when my dad went to drop me off. It's all so silly. You can do so much in 48 hours. You get all baffled of "What just happened?" lol. A lot of fun, and a lot of memories made. :)

Hmm... whats next?! ;)
Susie Cederlof
Wooly World Rabbitry

Monday, November 24, 2008

Random Road Trip

Katie and I can be so random. Where have we been? Tuesday night we decided that we would go down to Southern California, for a rabbit show.

On Friday night we met up at "Flying J" where Katie and I started our adventure. Our first stop was Modesto, CA where we stopped to eat. We really wanted to go to the mall across the street, LOL, but dang we had a long drive to go. After we ate we drove some more, where we made it down to Tulare, CA and we stayed the night... snuck the bunnies into the room and crashed.


The next morning, we wake up and it's early... the fog was ridiculous and we head out for the rest of the way down to L.A. It's been a very long time since I've been down south. I've forgotten how beautiful it was, the sun started rising when we were crossing the Grape Vine and the pollution in the sky made some beautiful colors. lol.


We get there on time, we see Amber and decide to set up next to her. But this is no ordinary show... its like a TAIL-GATE PARTY! The show was in a parking lot where you pulled up and just set your bunnies outside the car. Katie and I wondered if this was normal, and shortly after met Sarah of Sarah's Bunny Barn(Mini Lops in So. Cal) and got to ask that question, it was not normal. It was great meeting Sarah, really cool person, her mini lops did exceptionally well too. :)


My first show was Jersey Woolies show B. It was before JW show A. How silly. There was a great turn out for Jersey Woolies! 30+ in open. 15 in youth. I had shown my woolies in Open.


Here are our JW results:
Show A:
Brightside's Paix- 1/3, BOG, BOSB! (LEG)
White Oak's Sesshomaru- 2/3
WWR Constant Comment- 1/2 BOSG
WWR Raquel- 1/1 BOSG
Thumperhill's Ammadon- 1/1 BOG (LEG)
Wooligans/WWR Ro Sham Bo- 1/1 BOG

Show B:
Brightside's Paix- 1/3, BOG, BOSB! (LEG)
White Oak's Sesshomaru- 1/3
WWR Constant Comment- 1/2
WWR Raquel- 1/1
Thumperhill's Ammadon- 1/1 BOSG
Wooligans/WWR Ro Sham Bo- 1/1 BOSG

WOW! Not too bad at all! Congrats to Amber who won BOB in show A and B with her beautiful Tan Pattern and Broken Bucks. :)

I had also shown a couple of American Fuzzy Lops who didn't do half bad either. :) It was so great seeing some new AFL faces, and great meeting Pam of So. Cal. She was a wonderful lady who I look forward to seeing in the future.

Joey Shults.

Dr. Scott Williamson

This is how the fuzzies went:
Show A:
Hobb's Meena- Last (all I wrote. LOL)
Twin Elm's Independance Day- 1/4, BOSV, BOSB! (LEG)

Show B:
Hobb's Meena- 1/3
Twin Elm's Independance Day- 1/4, BOV, BOB! (LEG)

What can I say? I'm uber happy. :) Katie got BOB show A and BOSB show B with her beautiful doe, Harmony. I love when things swap and are consistent. VERY cool. :P
Katie and I with our winners pictured with the show A judge, Joey Shults

Amber, her two sons, Katie and I all packed up and went out to eat together. Loads of fun. At the end of the day its all about the friends and memories you make in this hobby. After that, we headed back towards Fresno, where again we stayed in Tulare. Man, are we tired.

Stayed tuned for day two!!!
Susie Cederlof :)
Wooly World Rabbitry

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Idependence Day

No, no need to check your calendars. I'd like to share a few photos of our Fuzzy Lop buck, Twin Elm's Independence Day aka "Indy".





Long day at work- I'm out. lol.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Convention Photos (#1)

Here's to my 100th blog post! LOL.

City of Louisville, Kentucky.

Churchill Downs.

A portion of the isle of Belgian Hares.

A part of a class of Tan Pattern Jersey Woolies.

Cute Cavy!

During the Fawn Presentation of Jersey Woolies.

This was as close as we got to a horse! LOL.

My favorite rabbit in the Convention Center! A broken black English Angora.

A Velveteen Lop sitting ever so ridiculous!

This photo was taken by Kristen of Keep's Rabbitry. Left to right, Me, Kristen(Keep's Rabbitry), Katie(Starlite Rabbitry) and Amber(Wonder Woolies Rabbitry).

Red Jersey Wooly taking a nap. It was a long week!

Very pretty Fawn Jersey Wooly. :)

Thats just a fraction! LOL.

Have a good day,

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Yum pocky yum!

As I type this I'm munching on some Pocky. :) It's been a long day at work- a continuous 10 hour day. I'm not a morning person- but nothing makes me happier than being at the vet clinic in the morning. Seeing my co-workers, boss, doctor all settling in, starting out with some coffee and preps for the day. It's quiet and calm. It puts you in a good sane mood because you know what the day holds for you later. I love saying "Good morning." Its probably one of my favorite phrases because 98% of the time, you get a smile and a "good morning" back. It's just the start of your day.

Sorry for me rambling. I have a few photos to share today. Sorry, not yet the convention pictures. >_< You know a little about what treats I like, what about the bunnies?

1) Oats- oats are a wonderful treat our bunnies enjoy anytime. A hand full of rolled oats a couple days before a show could put a little more condition overall on your bunnies. Some oats mixed in your feed in the winter is a great way to keep dense puffy coats in the winter.

2) Sunflower seeds- need an extra "shine" to those winter coats? ;) A good way to gloss is to give a pinch of black oil sunflower seeds every couple of days. Mixing some into your rabbit feed works too- just make sure you do not add too much, you don't want to make the feed to hot.

3) Hay cubes- alfalfa or timothy, hay cubes are especially awesome for shows! It's a good way to avoid all that hay that gets stuck on or in their coats. Make sure they are fresh cubes, get them from a feed store or online where you know they are fresh. Mine will not touch the ones from a pet store, they are old, not fresh, and just plain yucky.

4) Shredded wheat- a good way to make my bunnies go bonkers is to wave a strawberry frosted mini wheat above them. Such torture! LOL. Not too many, though it is hard not to give "just one more" after they finish the first one or two you give them. The imprint of a sad puppy dog face up against the wire cage door comes to my mind. Heart breaking! :P

5) Papaya cubes- papaya is great for preventing wool block. A good friend of mine, Lisa of Wooligan's Rabbitry, her children used to call this "bunny candy". Most defiantly correct! A couple small cubes every other day or a spear a week was what I was always told as recommendation, however, we don't give it as often as we'd like. Pineapple works too. I prefer feeding it dried.

Just thought I'd share! :)

Hare's Mystic "GG2", who is for sale.

WWR New York Minute, a sable point doe out of Hare's Mystic and LeSage's Shakira.

WWR Rawk, a very nice Siamese Sable buck, litter mate to the doe above.

Far now...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wonderful Day at Turlock

Yesterday we attended the rabbit show in Turlock, CA. We celebrated one of my very good friends Christina's 21st birthday(early), which was loads of fun! It was such a great day and it was great to see everybody, like always. :)

I am going to note my two noticeable wins of the day. In Show A, Jersey Woolies OPEN my buck Thumperhill's Ammadon won Best of Breed! This will be his sixth leg. In show A American Fuzzy Lops OPEN my new buck from convention, Twin Elm's Independence Day received 2/8.

For show B, AFL Open, "Indy" received 1/8, BOV, and BOB! I was so truly shocked and unbelievably happy! The AFL competition is tough as CA holds some of the top breeders in the nation. I'm still so very happy.

Independence Day was a buck at convention I was eying the whole week I was there. Until one day(day before last), I stood by his coop admiring. Then I just saw it. A sales tag. I pulled out my phone and dialed the phone number! Met up with the owner, and once I felt him I told her, "I'll buy him!" Thank you so much Adrienne and Patricia Terry for selling me such a *wonderful* buck. :)

I took a picture with the judge, Scott W. from Colorado. I have always admired Scott's judging, he was our open judge for AFL Nationals in Monterey, CA in 2007. Not to mention, our open AFL judge at the 2008 ARBA Convention, in Louisville Kentucky just last week!

With a good excuse, theres a reason for our silly faces. LOL.

I uploaded some Convention pictures! Hope to post some tomorrow or Tuesday. Here are a couple of the new convention bunnies settling in...



One last thing to mention, we have done some Nationals breedings! They are late since the National's show date is earlier than expected... but hopefully it will work. :P

Fuzzy Lops:
Due Dec. 6th- Hobb's Katie X Twin Elm's Indy
Due Dec. 10th- WWR Olga X Twin Elm's Indy
Due Dec. 10th- FH's Luvlee X Lucky Lop's Addison

Jersey Woolies:
Due Dec. 6th- WWR New York Minute X Thumperhill's Ammadon
Due Dec. 6th- WO's Blue Belle X Wendover's Banana Pancakes
Due Dec. 6th- Brightside's Paix X LeSage's Cracker Jack

And I'm sure there are more to come!

Susie Cederlof
Wooly World Rabbitry

Friday, November 7, 2008

Yes, I'm alive.

I haven't had much time to update my blog! I've been home from convention for a week now. However, I've been catching up on homework and work has been taking up most of my time! I have a show tomorrow in Turlock, Sunday I have to do a great amount of homework, Monday I have school and work, Tuesday- I'm hoping things will go back to normal again. :)

Convention was great! Kentucky was great! My first plane flight went great too. :) The momories, fun, excitement, ah it was a wonderful experience that I'm sure I will be talking about for quite a bit of time.

My bunnies did okay, I had a few "top ten" placements. Like I had said, everybody decided to molt, I think they thought it was a way to get out of it. :P I took 6 bunnies, sold 3, came home with 8. We have FIVE new bunnies from different locations of the nation I'm very proud to have brought home.

I'll add a picture of a little doe I came home to. This is WWR Raquel. She's a cutie!

I took pictures at convention. I hope to upload/share those soon! :)
