Friday, February 29, 2008


We don't always have only fuzzy things here at Wooly World Rabbitry, we have a pinch of Californians. These Californians are for my Meat Pens for fair. The litter born yesterday, will be the meat pens shown at Dixon May Fair. The other litter will probably just be shown... I had two litters of Cals, one litter of 9, one 8, and the doe killed the litter of 8, and the other doe went dry. We lost 5 out of the litter of nine, we have 4 left that we have been bottle feeding. What a pain! Sure are cute and very loveable however. =P

Arnold X Vanilla babies born Jan 24th 2008
I think we have two girls, two boys.

Arnold X Millie babies born Feb. 28th 2008
9 babies counting! Mama pulled a lot of fur.

I hope these babies grow up well and healthy. They may be my ticket to Kentucky. ;]

Wooly World Rabbitry

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A Few Pretty Girls

The show season has been awesome kick start to our rabbitry. So far, 2008 results out of 3 show dates(6 shows altogether) I've won four Best of Breed for Jersey Woolies, and two Best Opposite Sex of Breed, and for American Fuzzy Lops one Best of Breed and three Best Opposite Sex of Breed. Plus, several other legs one for classes and group wins. =]

Now, after showing I usually bring home my does and breed them. It's usually the time my does accually feel like breeding, and sometimes conceive. The last two rounds have been bumming rounds as not getting any babies at all.

I wanted to share a couple pictures of some of my does I bred, fingers crossed they take. They look beautiful at the moment, and will be taking a brake from the show season.

LeSage's Shakira
She absolutely beautiful, as you can see! She has a nice even coat, which is hard to get on her. She is currently on leg 13 I belive, but honestly I forget. Somewhere around there. Anywho, I don't show this girl to win, but I show her any chance I get when she is in condition, and its a special treat when she has a pretty even coat.

The other note of her coat, what beautiful siamese sable coloring she has! I have to admit the coloring of Angel's siamese sable Woolies is perfect. Absolutely gorgeous. I love the color. Here's a picture of her masking.

Wooligans Party Girl
I love everything about Party Girl. I guess if I have to fault her I'd fault her ears that could be a little more forward and carried. Those few stray white hairs would be nice to be-gone too. I love this doe. She's currently at 7 legs, and show her whenever I have nothing else to show, or if shes looking beautiful. (I admit though she holds a nice coat 95% of the time. =P )

Now, this pretty girl is NOT a rabbit. Nor a lagomorph or any of the sort. lol. I'd like to put up a picture of my BEAUTIFUL neice, Lily Beatrice. She was born December 24th, Christmas Eve. =] My brother is very proud of her, as much as her mommy. Here she is... =P

Lilly Beatrice- 6 weeks young.

Well, hope you enjoyed my posting! I thought I'd throw something together, since I want to keep this *decently* updated. Sorry guys! >.<;

Wooly World Rabbitry

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Lookin' Good Fuzzy-butts!

I recently pulled out a couple of fuzzies to groom and I realized that I MUST take pictures of them! All of these little buggers are still not in complete prime coats, but needless to say, they still look pretty hot! And, if you were here at my house, you could feel how nice they are too. ;] Here are some profile shots of them.

Hobb's Katie- Brkn. Opal Junior Doe

Hobb's Tacoma- Blue Tort Senior Buck

PFF's Earnhart- Tort Senior Buck

Kismet's Mr. Feeny- Brkn. Tort Senior Buck

Hobb's Meena- Brkn. Orange Senior Doe

Thats all for now! He hope to have more fuzzy lop babies within the next few months, we just having a hard time getting does bred. I'd really like to have more than 1-2 Fuzzy Lops(if even) up on the Fuzzy table at a time. That would be some fun kickin' competition! =P

Thanks for reading!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Cloverdale Citrus Fair 2008

Hello all,
The Cloverdale Citrus Fair youth rabbit show that took place on Feb. 17th, 2008. We did GREAT! I'm very proud of the results.

Show A AFL: Allen Mesick
Meena- 1/3, BOSV, BOSB (5th Leg counting)
Earnhart- 2/5

Hobb's Meena- BOSB show A

Show A JW: Allen Mesick
Sleeptalker- 1/1 BOSG
Abby- 1/3 BOG (3rd Leg counting)
Hamlet- 1/2 BOG, BOSB (10th Leg counting)
Shakira- 1/1 BOG, BOB (12th Leg counting)

Shakira wins Best Colored and Overall Wool
Shakira also got honorable mention in show.

Show B AFL: Carol Green
Meena- 2/3
Earnhart- 3/5

Show B JW: Carol Green
Sleeptalker- 1/1 BOSG
Abby- 1/3, BOG, BOB (4th Leg counting)
Hamlet- 1/2, BOG, BOSB (11th Leg counting)
Shakira- 1/1 BOG

WWR Abbygail BOB- show B

Shakira wins Best Colored and Overall Wool (again)

Not too bad, right? I came home with several rosettes and medalions. The comments on my bunnies were all great too. Here are a few pictures:

PFF's Earnhart

WWR Sleeptalker

Earnhart and Meena in their carriers with "Disco Man" ears.

Susie with ribbons and Wooly winners, left to right, Abby, Shakira, and Hamlet.

Susie with BOSB show A winner Meena and Jenny H. with BOB show B winner, Bubba Gump.

Overall, it was a really fun day, I didn't do showmanship due to a sore throat and being congested... =[

Thanks for reading!
Susie =]
Wooly World Rabbitry

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Stockton Show- 2.2.08 winnings!

Today was a good day, besides of me being unhealthy, it was a nice show day as well to see all my friends. Expecially those whom I haven't seen in quite some time. It made me feel a little bit better of how I've been feeling lately... which is many different long stories, which should be unmentioned on a open blog like this. But I will say one thing- owners of rabbits will take advantage of you, so be careful of what place you put yourself in, or who you are interacting with... I suppose some people don't have a clue how to think of the both sides comming, possibly its greed and maybe some people don't know any better... and thats unfortunate. =[

I'm going to write my results, short and simple, more of the highlights of what happened. I'm really pleased with the comments and results of today. =] I took 7 to show, 6 woolies, 1 fuzzy.

Show A Jersey Woolies:
Sleeptalker- 1/5, BOG, BOB! [LEG]
Pearl- 1/5, BOSG [LEG]
Party Girl- 2/5
Shakira- 1/2 BOSG

Show A American Fuzzy Lops:
Meena- 1/5, BOV, BOB! [LEG]

Show B Jersey Woolies:
Sleeptalker- 1/5, BOSG [LEG]
Abby- 2/5
Party Girl- 2/5
Shakira- 1/2, BOG, BOB! [LEG]

Show B American Fuzzy Lops:
Meena- 1/5, BOSV, BOSB! [LEG]

A couple pictures of our winners...
Susie holding WWR Sleeptalker(BOB show A) and LeSage's Shakira(BOB show B).

Susie holding Hobb's Meena(BOB show A; BOSB show B).

Adding on Legs; Current Count:
Sleeptalker- 2 Legs
Pearl- 3 Legs
Shakira- 12 Legs
Meena- 4 Legs

On another note; I also got Pearl, Shakira, and Sleeptalker registered. =] Thanks a lot -you know who- who took the time to register my rabbits. =P

Time to finnish up my breeding list. Our next show will be Cloverdale, CA 2.16.08!

Until next time...
Susie =]