Sunday, November 8, 2009

Home From Convention

We are home and safe from Convention. The bunnies are settling in well. It was a good week but have come home to much crap from another rabbit exhibitor. I can't find the words to write anything good or happy about this rabbit hobby... I'm utterly sick on what has been happening.

Quite often I go into full on rants of the garbage I face from showing my animals... I don't know if it is really appropriate. This is my blog, and these are my rabbits, but right now, I'm just too upset on why some people feeds off of tearing others down. Maybe it's their insecurities getting the best of them. Maybe it's just a cheap thrill.

Hope everyone is home and safe... bunnies doing well with good results. You can see mine on the homepage of my website.

I'll try to blog soon...

1 comment:

Whitney said...

Lots of hugs Susie! :) <3