Monday, November 16, 2009

Netherland Dwarf Rabbits

I secretly have a pair of Netherland Dwarfs. I just picked up this Broken Chestnut buck this past weekend from Chris and Mariah of C&M Rabbitry. They were extremely helpful and friendly, and am very happy with my purchase!

I saw this buck in the cage even before I saw his sale tag. Oh he was sold. I had to call my mom before she left home to bring some of my money, LOL!

I have yet to name him, he is molting his head, but I still think he is going to be very handsome, thank you Mariah and Chris! :)



This is my Vienna Mark doe from Teri Reymann... Sonshine's Jane Fonda. She is a beautiful girl too... can't help but love those markings! :)


I think Conker's should come out to California and make some super hot Blue-eyed White babies. hehe. ;)

Here is Jankenpon... about... 10 weeks? I'm really liking this boy! He's starting to go into his uglies so we'll just have to see what the end result will be.


I have a REALLY busy week this week... I'm going to be all over the place. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When are you picking up Holland Lops?