Sunday, July 26, 2009

Live From Fair (#4)

He's here! How amazing! A little boy... he's about to stand for his
first time.

Susie :)
(P.s. Sorry for the poor photo quality from my phone! :(
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

Live From Fair (#3)

I'm currently watching a momma cow give birth. Very interesting and
learning a lot. Momma cow will reposition herself several times in the
birthing process and it takes quite a while. Just said in the next 30
minutes to an hour the calf should be out, up and nursing from it's
mother. How neat!
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Saturday, July 25, 2009

Llamarama! (SCF Live #2)

I'm watching rabit judging right now and behind us are the show llamas
being exhibited for the open llama show. Pictured:
1) llama looking around the barn
2) a few pens of llamas come in two for company
3) just bathed black llama with owner and circle of llama club friends,
just like rabbit shows, it's not just about showing rabbits but visiting
with friends!
4 & 5) more llamas!! :)

I have more fabulous news, but will save that for later with pictures.


Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Prayers for Dana Cole

Those of up on California Rabbit Shows may be following the situation of our fellow rabbit show-goer, Dana Cole. Dana raises some of the best Lionheads in the nation and is an extremely nice woman. She takes huge pride in her bunnies and excellent care for them.

For the past couple weeks, she's been in the hospital under some sort of a coma(what I assume) and haven't been showing much improvement. We've been keeping her in our thoughts and prayers, for her, John, her family and friends, bunnies too.

Here is our last update:
Hi Everyone

The update on Dana is not the best

The Doctors sat John down today and told him he is being to optomistic, Her Lungs are more inflammed today. Please send out to all your friends to put Dana on every prayer chain we can we need to Pray real hard for her Recovery. things are not looking very good. I will be going to the hospital tomorrow to see her and see how things are doing I will let everyone know what I find out tomorrow.

talk to you all later


Dana has a website. You can see how dedicated she was here:

Please keep her and her family in your thoughts, and prayers.

Thank you,

Live from Fair!

Here are some photos from just a few moments ago. We will be at fair all
this week, until Sunday. We came in Monday evening, Friday is our show

Susie :)

Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

Monday, July 20, 2009

More Juniors

There are a few types of blogs. Ones that inform and ones that share. Or both. I've had a blog for a couple years now I believe, and most of it has been sharing. I share photos, happenings, show information, general ramblings that go on in my own rabbitry or shows. Sometimes I'm quite saddened that most of it is about "me, me, me" as I could say, but honestly, it's hard for me to think of something, and just write about it.

I'm a hands on talker. I love educating through life and doing the best I could to explain something. Through the last couple years I've actually made educational videos, but I never have the confidence to post them for people to view. I think I'm going to have to change that.

Most who have met me at shows know the kind of person I am, I love to look and opinion things, and for questions, I give full throttle answers. It's like I don't go away or shut up, LOL!

I'm always encouraging people to ask questions. I'm not going to say, "There are no stupid questions." because there IS, (lol) but its the manner of asking the question is what makes it not stupid. I was once told by my favorite teacher, "A smart person asks questions." because it IS completely true. How will you ever know if you never ask?

I generally don't have enough time to respond to email just question based. Emailing is such a pain in the butt, but I do respond to comments. If a question is asked through my blog via comments I usually answer it there, and sometimes, if there is a link to the questioner's other blog I will got there and post it. Sometimes I answer it later at a show, or through facebook, aim, etc.

If anybody has a topic they'd like me to discuss, all power to you! Just post it in the comment section and I'll do my best to answer it. Sometimes questions I get create new blog ideas, I love sharing with people about my hobby.

With that being said, I plan on taking a video I may about wool and quite possibly posting it here. I haven't heard anything yet on the JW Proposition Vote, so we'll see how that is.

Last but not least here are some photos of my current Juniors:

JG's Pochahontas - REW Junior Doe - 7 weeks
(Reilly's/Brightside's SP X BlueStar's Candy)
This little doe as well as her two siblings below are offspring of a doe I bought bred by DayKota Moat in Wisnconsin. Check out her website here. Pochahontas is a nice little doe, she has a great body and fabulous wool.

JG's Paco - Sable Point Junior Buck - 7 weeks
(Reilly's/Brightside's SP X BlueStar's Candy)
Very cute little boy with tons of personality. Pretty good Sable Point color too. :)

WWR Candice - REW Junior Doe - 7 weeks
(Reilly's/Brightside's SP X BlueStar's Candy)
Candice is a bigger doe but HOLY MACAROLE is she nice. She's going to make a fantastic brood doe someday. Rock solid body and "too much" wool!

WWR Rowynn - Chestnut Junior Doe - 7 weeks
(WWR Alladin X WWR Estrella)
She's still very tiny but promising.

We have a few more babies growing up, as well as a handful of does bred! I'm so ready for convention! :)


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Four Sable Girls

Sisily X Ammadon babies- we ended up getting 4 Siamese Sable DOES. It's a tad hard to tell them apart, and a more challenge of which one to keep.



WWR Evelyn

WWR Emelia

I decided to hold back two, Evelyn & Emelia. One will be available at Convention.

The first two are availble now as pets only. I only take serious inquiries, ESPECIALLY on pets. So if you are seriously interested, you can email me at if you do not hear from me, please leave a comment back to this blog. I hear my email doesn't get emails sent all the time.

This is the same cross as my Estrella. I hope they turn out just as gorgeous, I'm sure they will.

I have fair tomorrow, I'm still not decided if I want to go or not. We'll see.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Mom's and Babies

I absolutely LOVE when mothers like taking photos with their young. Here are a few cute photos I captured the other day.

WWR Estrella with her two kits, the Chestnut is hers and the REW is a fostered Candy baby.

BlueStar's Candy with her babies. A REW Doe, Sable Point Buck, and a Sable Point Doe.

Hobb's Katie with her little youngster, "WWR Philly" a Broken Opal Buck.

Take care!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Portola Valley 2009 Photos (part III)

Kevin judging a REW.

English Angora Exhibitors.

Very pretty fluff balls.

Carol judging BOB Jersey Woolies.

Broken Tort Fuzzy!

Those Silly American Fuzzy Lop exhibitors!!!

Me holding Betty's English Angora, "Chu's Susie". This is the third "Susie" I've ever met. The first being a friend in highschool, secondly Jenny's bunny, and third, Betty's multiple winning doe, "Chu's Susie"! Thank you Betty for sending me these photos and letting me hold the little lovely girl.

Check out Betty's blog for more photos:

Susie :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

"Garage" the Kitten

A few days ago, we found a kitten locked up in our garage. He obviously wasn't properly taken care of, as well as skittish, from the start I started holding him even if he wasn't very fond of it. Very quickly her didn't seem to mind.


We took him down to our vet clinic and had him tested for Feline Luekemia, and unfortunately, he tested positive. Idealy, in this case you euthinize him. Personally we didn't want to, so we set him up for a night to wait until doc got in in the morning to see what he would do. I'm a person who lets life take its course, and what needs to be done, needs to be done. I'm not really a cat person, but for some odd reason, I couldn't get this little kitten off my mind, I just really hoped doc either got busy in the morning or considered trying antibiotics.

Next day we get down to the clinic and talk it over with doc. Doc said we can give him 4 weeks and see if the Luekemia "Negs" out, as sometimes kittens will "shed" the luekemia and it turns negative. Luckily, we are giving him a chance, the sad part is we really don't know what happens after this, if he doesn't shed the disease.

We cannot keep him, but he surely is cute. If he doesn't go negative, if we rehome him, he's going to have to go to a special home and be a single cat. He is sooo much better than when we first found him, extremely playful and VERY loving. I just love him to pieces! Let's home things change.



He loves puring and making buscuits. So adorable.

And just to throw this in here, here's a picture of a little baby pug named "Pugsly" and I. :) I'm thinking about sharing photos I take at the vet clinic, what do you guys think?


Hope everyone is doing good, times appear to be hard. :(

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Portola Valley 2009 Photos (part II)

More Carol judging Jersey Woolies- she did a great job and took her time. :)

Ro Sham Bo bored in his show coop.

Melodye clerks while Carol judges, Amy bringing up an AOV junior doe to await judging.

Kevin judging for show B, checking over an AOV.

English Angora, blowing in the wind.


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Portola Valley 2009 Photos (part I)

Ro Sham Bo chilling out in his show coop.

Carol judging Jersey Woolies show A.

Carol judging while Kim and Angel look over the control sheets.

Kim from IL judging Open American Fuzzy Lops while Marian clerks.

A gorgeous Broken dark Tort in Open American Fuzzy Lops.


Friday, July 10, 2009

Portola Valley Summer Show

We had a fun day at the show. I didn't have much to show and all I brought were bucks. Currently all of my does are either on litters or molting. What can you do, it's summer!

We got there an hour late and missed on class for woolies(Tan Pattern Junior Bucks), and an add on since I wasn't able to bring my Shaded Senior Doe, Shakira. I brought Caudill's Slim Shady(Self Senior Buck) as a replacement, as well as the regular line up of Wooligans/WWR Ro Sham Bo(Agouti Senior Buck), WWR Aladin(Agouti Senior Buck), and White Oak's Seshomaru(Self Senior Buck).

Placings were all pretty consistant. Ro Sham Bo was 1/2 and BOG all three shows, Aladin 2/2, Shady 3/3 in the two shows he showed in, and Seshomaru 1/2, BOSG, BOSB in show A under Carol Green and the next two shows 1/3 BOSG.

I did bring one fuzzy, Abraham, and he was First BJB both shows.

Most of all, it was a super fun show. The weather, food, friends, rabbits were all wonderful. :)

Here we have Sesh and Ro Sham Bo.


