Friday, June 26, 2009


I haven't had too much to talk about lately. I had several does due and I got a whole handful of peanuts. Usually, they don't hit me too hard but everyonce in a while- they do. It's sad to see a life born fated to death. I've tried many times to "save" a peanut, trying to get it to nurse more often, but it's never failed that the kit eventually passes on.

I wonder sometimes- why is it that way? A peanut is clearly a bunny with the "double-dwarf" gene. When I see a peanut born, I think of it something like a preme? Why is it do hard for a baby bunny to strive for life where a premature baby can? It just gets to me. I do think though that the few "peanut surviors" on this planet (hey, who says a peanut CAN'T survive? I think anything is possible!) are still doomed to early deaths. Poor things just don't look right. They surely are cute, but just not healthy. I've had a few survive to two weeks old. Until their death they just flush out.

Michael Jackson passed away yesterday. He surely was a king of music. Whether he was the best musician ever or bad because of his allegedlations, I think MJ still had an outlook on a brighter future. Just like all human beings, I think all of our intensions are for the good. I must say, I'm pretty shocked. Last I heard was about him trying to get his life back on track... maybe he rest in peace and soul live on through his music for future generations.

On a brighter note, we have 1 Broken Opal American Fuzzy Lop baby in the box! Totally cute and looks like we have a winner. ;) This kit is out of Hobb's Katie and Hobb's Tacoma. I'm so excited to say the least! This is my first Tacoma baby. He is a CHUNKY blue tort buck I got from Leslie a couple years ago.

BIG head, short round well filled body helps me determine a kit good or bad at newborn ages.

Candy's babies have come in a 2 REW does, 1 Sable Point Buck, 1 Sable Point Doe, and a Broken Sable Point Buck. The Broken has been a smaller kit since birth, and is looking to dwindle down in size and health. I'm thinking I'm going to have ot give him critical care and hope for the best. Raising rabbits has it's ups and downs!


Several photos are coming from my phone as curently I don't know where the camera is. Sorry for the poor qualities!

Sisily's kits come in as 4 Siamese Sable Does. Too funny! I also have one Chestnut kit from Estrella, who is also a doe. I have a feeling next go round is going to be a buck boom.

I also thought I'd give an update on our dog, Rabb. Few months ago he was severly sick and had many seizure episodes. In treatment he starting acting rabid and we didn't really know what was going on. We started him on phenobarbatol and has gotten MUCH better. Not only is he not sick anymore, he also is a much happier dog! He used to have a standard chihuahua grumpiness attitude but is so much happier. Doc thinks that his brain was swollen and thats how he was crazy and vicious. Having little hope is so sad for a best friend. Eats you up inside.


Last but not least, I'm currently drinking Chai Tea and Soy Milk combination. Does anybody else drink this?! It is so yummy! It tastes like pumpkin pie... Leslie H. of Hobb's Habbitry brought it up last visit. I was so excited when I heard that! You don't have to drink it with Soy, Leslie uses regualar milk(it calls for it anyways) but I prefer soy. The Chai Tea is a mix called the The Original Oregon Chai Tea Latte Mix. Nom nom. :)


Today is slightly a better day for me but I need to get ready for work. I hope everyone has a fabulous afternoon. :)


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Likeables and Unlikables

Tagged by Timothy or Tru-Luv Rabbitry. :)

Likables and Unlikables -- Those tagged must list down 5 of their most unlikable and 5 most likable things/events/happenings in their bunyard or rabbitry.


1) Roadtrips, long show weekends, far away destinations.

2) Huge classes of Jersey Woolies exhibited by several breeders.

3) Watching a rabbit go from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan.

4) Homebred stock doing well for yourself and/or the exhibitor you sold it to.

5) Meeting exhibitors and making new friends. As well as meeting NEW exhibitors or when new exhibitors join the hobby/breed.


1) Poor sportsmanship!!!

2) Ignorant exhibitors who treat others poorly/rudely.

3) Large DOA kits.

4) Exhibitors/breeders who take advantage over others.

5) Those who unaccept opinions, or rules in your rabbitry and try and cram their own down your throat.

I would like to tag the following bloggers:

Starlite Rabbitry
Keep's Rabbitry
Silent Springs Rabbitry
Lil' Bit Farms
Imagination Acres

Stay cool!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

I Couldn't Resist

...but share these photos!
Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Little Chestnut

Today here is the little Chestnut who from day one I suspected to show
promise. She is very curious, at 2 1/2 weeks old, I finally feel
confident to share how cute she is. Those who have me on facebook may
have seen her photo on my blog at a couple days old, where I claim she
is my winner in the batch of 10 babies among 3 different does.

The longer I breed rabbits, the more I learn. Some do not believe how
you can see promise in a new born kit, but I have met few breeders who
study this too.

Here is the chestnut pictured with her REW foster sister at about 7 days
old. Please excuse the picture qualities, this is being sent from my
phone. Hopefully, this post comes through okay! :) This is a new option
I signed up for and have yet to use it. It may be good for blogging
while on the road/showing, and connect you with photos as they come. :)

Sent from my T-Mobile Sidekick®

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Recent Losses

It's been a rough take in the rabbit world. We've lost two "big-time" icons, Brian Hartzell and Mr. Bob Whitman.

Though I did not know Bob personally, I have seen many of his books with KW Cages at rabbit shows. I often flipped through. He was a wonderful author and very knowledgable person from his writings.

I did though, know Brian. I first met him at AFL Nationals 2007, in Monterey, CA. I remember the first thing I told him was "Your so famous!" He was very nice, and very educating. I clerked for him the whole day, and taught me how to judge several breeds, what to look for and what was nice. He was such a cool guy, and shared many laughs.

Brian raised Jersey Wooly and American Fuzzy Lop rabbits, I've never seen such good consistancy. His rabbits are excellently typed, and they prove themselves on the show table. Brian was consistantly 1st in Sweepstakes points, with thousands upon thousands of points.

I didn't know him as well as many others, but I do know him and his mother were very close. My thoughts go to her and his family and friends. Brian is a Legend for both of his breeds, I don't think anybody has perfected any breed like Brian has for his own.

Rest in peace, Brian. We will surely miss you.


I also want to take a moment of silence for my lovely friend Christina's fuzzy lop, Gingerbread's Bobbie, who to has passed away. She can be seen on Christina's website, which explains why she was such a special bunny. Hugs to Christina and her mom Tausha.

It's been a long long depressing week here. Aside our rabbit friends, rabbits, and everything else going on. I just can't find many words to write.

Wooly World Rabbitry

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Candy Babies

We have a few flavors in Candy's litter. I love looking at the little rainbow in her box.


Looks like a Sable Point, Smoke Pearl, REW and Broken Sable Point.


Squishy face.

Candy also has another REW, but was fostered to Estrella with her singleton chestnut baby.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mimic A Stranger

Last February, at the Turlock show my lovely friend Teri of Sonshine Rabbitry let me take home a little Netherland Dwarf, black buck. His name is Sonshine's "Mimic A Stranger" but I usually think of him as JB, his ear number.

Dwarfs were my second breed years ago after getting real show Woolies. I had a few. I had a doe who was too small and a tragic death of my other doe, "Roxy" who suffered from a brain tumor. That was very hard on me for my age and I decided dwarfs were not suited for me, and then I sold my buck.

Over the years I have anyways been the one to watch them from away, with much love. I decided to bring Mimic home because I couldn't deny Teri's offer. I'm glad I did. I really like him a lot, he's kind of cool! :)



Mimic won his division at Dixon May Fair. There was a good number of animals. I let a friend of mine stud him to her Tort doe, and they are due for babies around the 10th. Exciting! :)



Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Show, Breeding, Pet

The question is, Show, Breeding, or Pet? Every breeder may have a different set guideline to determining which animal falls into which category. These have been something I have never really set in stone into recently, where I created a new guideline of animals who earn their hole in my rabbitry. Since space in my rabbitry is limited, a rabbit that occupies my hole is with honor.

I've cut my rabbit size down in the past year, mainly to my stress levels, as well as school, work, and everything in between. When my animals are put on my "back burner" in my head, that's when I tell myself to "cut down". Cutting down isn't just selling rabbits, it is really a whole new refocus every time. I evaluate my herd. This last time I have re visioned my herd I had every color group, and many picks of litters, but still they did not meet up with either of their parents qualities. They may have parts I need, but when space is limited I tend to find that part somewhere else and keep the "overall" typey rabbits.

When determining kits I determine usually the pet quality ones as young and 3 weeks. I usually do not compromise with their type for the shows tables. These pets are labeled as "Pets" which too, can be culls, which are used for another purpose than a person's companion. Such as meat, usually for rescues for other animals in needs, like Raptors. The pet market is sometimes little for a rabbit breeder. I have had many struggles with "pet people" as some can be very difficult to get by. Some do not truly understand the aspects of keeping a pet and usually in the end they back out and purchase an animal from a pet store. It shows lack of patience and understanding and is very frustrating to rabbit breeders. MANY of us feel our "culls" have much better lives and of fulfillment as to helping wild animal rescues, and zoos. Many of us do not like to do it either, but it's still responsible as in a way of fulfillment of life, and controlling the pet population.

Now, this is the tricky part. Breeding/Brood quality animals. These arrange in many different categories, types, and styles. Rabbits that are considered "Breeding" to me are rabbits who do not meet my standard of a show rabbit. Brood is a rabbit that is to be used for breeding/has been used for breeding, sometimes with them follows a show record. Breeding rabbits may have minor faults, but good parts too to help the breed in development. Some have disqualifications, such as mismatched colored nails on dilutes, wrong under colors, or large size. Most breeding rabbits ARE showable, but I do not consider them to be the top crop as I'd call them. These can be listed as "Show/Breeding". Disqualifications should be noted to sale, as many do not accept them. These are "Breeding" quality animals. "Brood" will usually be a senior, does specifically, who are either breeding age or have kindled kits before.

Show quality is simply that. Not all show quality animals can be guaranteed at time of sale, especially with junior animals. Show quality is the "top crop". These animals are animals we wouldn't mind holding up for ourselves, such as showing. Some animals are sold with show records, such as legs or grand championship. I feel show quality isn't just a sale for a showable rabbit, but yet a mark of your herd, and should feel like good promotion. Show quality animals are usually more expensive, due to the expectations. Though, some may be lower priced for different lines that may not be fully grasped development wise. As a breeder, I'm very iffy when selling my show animals because when I'm selling them as show animals, that's what I want them to be, are show animals. lol.

There may be a couple other categories according to ones herd. Some may use, "4-H Rabbit". This is a VERY confusing "category" to many. Because that it can differate from the rabbit being showable, or having disqualifications, it should be made sure when buying a "4-H" rabbit it is what you are looking for, what makes it a "4-H" rabbit and what is wrong with it. If I did have a 4-H category, it would be for "Show/Breeding". Some 4-H members do not care if the animal is quite showable or not, or, do not want to pay a higher price for just a "4-H" project animal. This can be a frustrating thing, and a warning sign to be taken with precautions. I've had people look specifically for a "4-H" rabbit, NOT a top show quality rabbit and NOT a pet quality rabbit. The in between, but with a good personality and can be used for showmanship. As well as sometimes those may get what they ask for, if they don't win Best in Show, they get upset. It's hard understanding what people exactly want sometimes.

A term that some may use to the "Brood" category is "Proven". As well as everything else, it differs person to person. Proven to me can't be sold guaranteed, but it pretty much has gotten a guarantee in you own herd, meaning for does; they have successfully raised their own kits, good mothers, out produce themselves. Meaning for bucks; out produced themselves, good sized, healthy litters, and good breeders. Some use "Proven" in the show category, I guess meaning they have "Proven" themselves on the show tables. I tend not to use either, for either purposes, as breeding differs from the stud or doe combination wise, and judges differs from judge to judge.

Again, all breeders have different standards for their own rabbits and herds, but these things mentioned above can create a good handful of questions before purchasing an animal, especially if you are a newbie. :)
