Thursday, June 28, 2007

New bunnies!

Some time ago, Lisa Knott of Wooligan's Rabbitry had to sell her herd due to a new family member, a baby boy named Ethan. =) I inquired for a few bunnies from her herd. We finally had the time to pick up our new buns! Here are the new stars!

Wooligan's Morgan
Broken Blue Senior Doe
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Morgan is a beauty. I have always loved from the first time I saw her when she was a wee baby. She has this gigantic head, thick furry ears, nice body with great long flowing wool. I have her half sister, Skyler, who is a BIS winner at our County fair against some really nice bunnies since our local youth show more at ARBA shows(who win big consitantly) so Skylers win was really surprising. Hopefully Morgan can rack up a few wins before she hits the nursury. =)
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Morgan: "Time for my close up." ;)

Wooligan's (no name currently)
Broken Smoke Pearl Senior Doe
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Wowie! What a beautiful little doe we have here! Its a shame she is a charlie, but that is okay, I'm thankful to have her. She has a very correct wooly head, beautiful cuvature, she has nice short ears, a nice compact body with both depth and width! She also carries a lovely coat of wool, its a little open right now but I belive thats because of the weather. Very typy, she is a daughter of Lisa's BIS winner, Wooligan's Veruca Salt. Watch for this girls babies in the nursery!

Last but not least...
Wooligan's Tater Cake
Orange Senior Buck
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Tater Cake is not ready for his body shot. =P
I remember Tater as a wee baby. He sure was a cutie! He has grown up so much, and is cureently going through a huge molt and through his uglies. Poor little guy. He has a VERY nice wide short body, I can't wait to work with this guy. =) I've been tryin with oranges for a while now, but my other orange buck isn't giving me any babys. =/ So, I should have some soon! =P
Huge thanks to Lisa for these three buns! They are wonderful additions and they will be spoiled. =P I sure have fallen in love with them. THANK YOU! =D

Monday, June 25, 2007

Boulder's Show Retirement

I decided to do a post dedicated to Boulder, the one and only. Boulder is a beautiful blue buck who is known all around CA for his great winnings and decent amount of legs. I am Boulders fourth owner, and yet I don't think he can ever leave again. Boulder had a great show carrer as a baby, and grew out wonderfly as a senior. I bought Boulder when he was about 2 1/2 years old, and he only carried 6 legs at that time. Boulder now has a total of 15 legs, he will be four years old on July 17th. Boulder has won a total of 3 BOBs and 9 BOSBS. He is 4 years old and still going strong. I have decided now, its time to stop showing Boulder. He has been a great show rabbit and has won many prizes.

Boulder is mainly known for his amasing head and very nice shoulder. He has produced me many winning offspring and many winning offspring to the other owners before me. His sire was Hawkin's George, a REW buck, and his dam was Erb's Bambi, a chestnut doe who is know for many legs and winnings.

Currently, Boulder is going through a MAJOR molt(serious buiness) and he has a reverse mohawk. LOL.

I cannot thank Lisa enough to letting me have this guy, he has always meant a lot to me ever since I first held him, and Boulder will always have a special place in my heart. He is trutly an amasing animal. =)
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This was Boulders last clean up, he won BOB both shows, honorable mention for BIS, and Honorable mention for best fur class. There is a lot more to him behind those honorable mentions, he almost made it for me, but just not quite enough. =P

Friday, June 22, 2007

Does bred!

Finally! I felt it was time to get some does bred. =) My does have been wanting to breed for a while now, I think they are happy. =P So here is a list of what we have due in a month! I can't wait, I'm hoping for some super nice show bunnies. =)

Jersey Woolies:
Due 7.11.07
Erb's Boulder(G.C. 15 legs) X Wooligan's Cleo(4/5 legs)

Due 7.19.07
WWR Sleepwalker X WWR Pearl(2 legs)

Due 7.20.07
WWR Sleepwalker X White Oak's Blue Belle(2 legs)
Wooligans/WWR Ro Sham Bo(3 legs) X Cidar Ridge's Blue Rain

Due 7.23.07
WWR Sleepwalker X Wooligan's Party Girl(6 legs)

American Fuzzy Lops:
Due 7.23.07
Kismet's Mr. Feeny X FH's Luvlee
Kismet's Mr. Feeny X AK's Creme Puff

Wish me the best of luck! Email me if you would be interested in any of the offspring produced. =) I may update this in a few days when I breed some more. ;)

How it started...

There is always a start for everyone. Some are different, some are the same. As for mine, its in between. I deffinantly didn't know that this would be the future ahead of me then.

It all started with a bunny from the pet store. (Haha, everyones introduction to their story. =P ) Almost 5 years ago, we had seen the love and compasion our neighbors had with their new bunny. One day at a pet store we saw this adorable, sweet little dutch bunny. I fell in love and with the okay from my dad, we brought him home. We went with a more simple name. Mr. Bunny.

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Mr. Bunny
A couple of months later, I come home from school, and what do I see? Another bunny! Haha, yes, my mom had brought home another bunny. Rosie, who is a broken chestnut french lop mix. Little did we know that she was gonna be a big bun! =P Looking back now, she only could have been about 4 weeks. She was a skiddish little girl, still is. She is such a sweetheart though.
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After getting bit by the bunny bug, we looked into something a little more. 4-H! My parents talked to me about it, and it sounded very exiting. One day we were going into the pet store, and there was a cage with a few Jersey Woolies in it. 1 buck, the rest were does. They were pedigreed, tattooed, and showable! We decided to pick out the chocolate doe, who's name was Lil'. She was a sweet bunny. My best friend Dorissa, came back the next day and bought the buck, Lil' Mojag.
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I went to my first show a few weeks later. Lil' was DQ'ed for being over weight. I remember her getting two comments, good ears and nice color. =) I brought home my very first ribbon that day, a rainbow ribbon that said "Participant". A week later, guess what we find in Lil's litter box? 5 healthy babies! Goodness, this isn't what we wanted! We remember she was in the same cage with Mojag and the other does. Waalaa! Lil' gave me 3 blacks, 1 blues, and 1 siamese sable. We kept 3 babies, 1 black, the blue, and the siamese sable. I named these babies Ajax(black buck), Angel(blue doe), and Axel(s. sable buck). I showed them for my very first time at Dixon May Fair 2005. Both Angel and Axel were DQ'ed for white nails. I took it pretty tough and after that I looked into showing SHOW rabbits.
I was web browsing one day, and came across a website with the rabbitry name of Wooligans. She had a REW buck one her sale page. I talked ot my mom a bit, and inquired on getting my first SHOW rabbit. Lisa emailed me back and we decided to meet eachother at a Stockton show. That day we brought home Wooligan's Mr. K. =) She had also entered him to show, he won his first leg with winning 1/5 and BOSG. I was very exited as a new I was going a new and good direction for my herd.
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Mr. K and I.
And it continued from there. Lisa kept me updated with rabbits, I bought another doe from her, Wooligan's Olivia an Opal doe and Wooligan's Party Girl a black otter doe. Olivia has a leg to credit and big group wins too. Party gathered up 6 legs, a few of those being BOBs and BOSBs.
The next couple shows Dorissa decided to give me Mojag, I bought a chin doe, and got a chestnut doe in the raffle. Here I bred Mr. K to Chin Chin and Mojag to Nutmeg. I got my two very first planned litters. Chin Chin kindled 3, 1 Chin buck(LBBB's(or WWR?) Jeb) , 1 Self Chin doe, and a Siamese Sable doe. The shaded doe continued to win me one of my very first homebred legs at an open show. Nutmeg kindled 4, 1 chin buck, 2 chin does, and a blue otter buck. The chestnut doe named WWR Jenny won my *very* first homebred leg for BOG. The chin buck went to live with Dorissa, who now carries 2 legs, and Zoe became my very first homebred Grand Champion, with a total of 4 legs today.
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Nutmeg's litter.
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Chin Chin's litter.
I want to give a HUGE thanks to Lisa Knott of Wooligans Rabbitry. She helped me out BUNCHES and as much as she could. I would never be where I am without her. =D THANK YOU LISA! =DD

WWR Rock Paper Scissors

Here is my first "official" posting in my new blog(besides the intro., of course! =P )

Right now in Wooly World Rabbitry's herd, we have a real promiser. This was a combanation of Wooligan's Ro Sham Bo(Reg., 3 BOSB legs) and Wooligan's Skyler(Reg,. 2 legs, 1 BIS). We decided to name this baby "Rock Paper Scissors" after another hand game, hince daddy's name. =)

A little low down on this girlie, Rockie(her nickname) was born 4.29.07. We were at AFL nationals when we got a call that Skyler had a baby in the nest box. Enough of her life story, haha, she's a Chestnut Junior Doe, with amasing type! She has a nice head, ear, shoulder, saddle, and hindqauter that goes all the way down to the table. Not to mention nice wool and color! Bright rufus! She is a natural poser too. =) I can't wait to put her on the show tables. Her first show will be fair in a couple weeks. So... wish her luck! Maybe she will be a BIS winner like her mom. ;)

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As for pictures, I belive she is going to be a great model and may eventually make it on our home page. =P
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She's a lookie lou. =P
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"Oh, hi! It that a camera?"

Welcome to WWR's new blog!

Hello everyone.

Other than my show results blog, I have made my own blog for other updates on our rabbitry! Here you can veiw new and recent pictures, thoughts, plans, winnings, for sale, breedings, and much much more you don't see on our site! I hope everyone enjoys. I'll try to have a new posting *atleast* every week, if not sooner. I'm way exited to have this blog, so manybe it will be more like, daily? LOL. Thanks for reading and I hope you ENJOY. =)
