I think sometimes bad things happen in inspiration for better things to come. Sometimes one doesn't realize how precious life can be and how quickly it can be snatched away from you. When you realize things are bad and only getting worse, the best thing to do is stay positive. With hope there will always be dreams. Dreams there will always be reason, and most likely in a better hope for happiness.
Most situations have a purpose in the end. And some just happen because it is the way life is. The doctors said when they took the breathing tube out of her lungs, she wouldn't be able to talk again. A few days later, they said she would die. A couple days after that, they removed the tube, and she replied with, "WHOA!" That day, we talked with her for a few hours. She told us she was going to beat this cancer. And though, it was terminal, I believed her.
I though her body won't be with us I know she hasn't gone. She's the strongest woman I know, she didn't go down without a fight.
On brighter news, here are a couple babies who are really cute at the moment. I believe they are 6 weeks old and maturing quite well.
Take care.
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