Monday, March 29, 2010

Wooly & Fuzzy Beebs

After 8 long months of no babies (besides one kit that was out of a pre-bred purchased doe) we have 4 Jersey Wooly and 3 American Fuzzy Lop kits in the nest box.

American Fuzzy Lops: Lucky Lop's Capone (Brkn. Tortoise Shell) X WWR Olga (Blue Tort)
2 Torts (Madagascar) & 1 Blue Tort


Jersey Woolies: JG's Paco (Sable Point) X Skyview's Brittany (Smoke Pearl)
3 Seal (possibly Blue based?) & 1 Siamese Sable


These are only two of the kits. Comparing color. The kit looks more "blue-ish" based, but as they get older they look more of just regular Seal. I'm unsure, but when they get their wool we will be able to surely tell. :)

We have more does due next week! Jersey Woolies & American Fuzzy Lops. A lot of these kits will be available for sale.

If you haven't subscribed to my other Blog, Haute Wooly Couture please feel free to click this link and hit "follow" at the right hand top corner of the page. :)

Wishing everyone a merry week...

Susie :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

8 months is about how long I wait each year for babies...