Friday, July 25, 2008

baby count~

Unfortunately we lost two of Meena's babies, one developed wry neck and the other was really runty. I don't think either were sick, but I do know that a few weird things have happened since all the fires and smoke. I'm assuming thats what caused it. It's been stressful and dreadful for the bunnies. Poor guys. :(

Here is a baby count of babies younger than 8 weeks.
1 American Fuzzy Lop
7 Jersey Woolies
7 Am. Fuzzy Lop X Jersey Wooly crosses.

If anybody is looking for a *wonderful* pet, in the next few weeks I will have a couple Fuzzy X Jersey Wooly cross babies available. They are super cute and silly looking, great personalities, too. I'm hoping they will have more easy to car for coats like the Jersey Wooly. :)

Here is a picture of Meena and her Baby on my lap today, can you say CUTE?!


I haven't forgotten the blog, busy, trying to cut down, and keep up.

Wooly World Rabbitry

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Picture Blog


Meena's three really tubby and cute kits.

WWR "Priss" A Blue Tort Doe out of Addison X Carley. Really cute! I love her head. Still growing into her ears.

WWR Constant Comment- Seal Junior Doe out of Ammadon and Ariel.


Luvlee X Hamlet babies. Very cute! Chestnut, REW, and a fawn(?).

My first LeSage's Cracker Jack babies! 2 broken black, 1 smoke pearl or blue. Momma is Skyler.

I love the speckle pattern on this one!

Katie's *very* cute babies!

Thats it for now! I'll try and post a picture of Mark S. Allen and I and my meat pen pictures from fair! :)
Have a good day~

For Sale, New Email Address

I have updated my for sale page. I need to cut down in numbers. By Convention I want to be in the 20-30 range, if not lower. I have some really nice stuff available, totally willing to ship at buyers expense. I'd love to work out trios or pairs. I'd also consider throwing in a free rabbit if you are considering getting started in the breed if you buy a a pair or trio.

My new email address is I'm having problems with my yahoo account. You can still email me there but like I said, problems, both receiving and sending.

Please take a look at my sales page. I need to cut down, and I need to cut down soon.

Wooly World Rabbitry

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Portola Valley Wins and THE HEAT.

At the Portola Valley JW/AFL triple specialty shows a couple weekends ago, we did very very well. Our Juniors got wonderful comments. The JW show was open only and we had a close to 60 entries I believe! I want to say that Angel's broken smoke pearl buck who two BOB at 2/3 shows was absolutely drool worthy. What a beautiful animal.

Fives took first in all three of her AFL classes. She was moulting terribly. She was the only one I brought, well, cause every fuzzy was moulting.

Here's some JW results.
Show A:
Abby 1/3
Ro 1/1 BOG

Show B:
Blue Belle 1/3 BOG! (4th Leg)
Ro 1/2 BOG (4th leg and can grand! WOO!)

Show C:
Ro 1/1 BOG
Blue Belle 1/3
Ammadon 1/6 BOSG (6th Leg!)
Cracker 2/4 or 5.
Xbox 360 3/6

Not too shabby for moulty or just finished molt bunnies. My juniors were pretty small and placed really well. My mom's chestnut buck, who currently has no name but I call Micro Ears got wonderful praise, and took first in his agouti jr. buck classes.

The heat is TERRIBLE right now. It got to 107* today. I almost lost a few of the bunnies... I checked on them before I left to go to my appointment, the fans(which are big) were on high and the misters attached to them were one. Me being gone for one hour I come back and everybody is stressed beyond words. I have misters along the top I turned on, which was perfect and made it like a air conditioner if not better in there. I soaked some of the bunnies ears down, too.

Please watch your bunnies. Like I said, one hour so much can happen. It scared me. A lot. I'm so happy I didn't enter for fair(which started yesterday until Sunday). I probably would have ended up with dead rabbits there and here because I wasn't home.

Hope to see you all in Watsonville. If I show I show 2 at most, nothing looks too good. lol.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm trying to keep up!


Theres not to much to talk about. I need to take some pictures though of our oh-so-cute babies.

And updates from the nestbox!
Luvlee kindled 3, 1 chestnut, 1 REW, and 1 orange(?) sired by Wooligan's Hamlet.
Meena kindled 3, unable to tell colors right now sired by Lucky Lop's Addison.

Yay! Fuzzies!

We did great at the Portola Valley show. Results and pictures coming soon! Hamlet went to his new home with his new wonderful owner, Amber H. of Wonder Woolies Rabbitry! I hope you love him, we will sure miss him!!!
