Hey everyone,
So sorry with the no updates in a while! I've been VERY busy with life lately, hopefully I can get this blog back in gear. ;)
Here are a few updates...
RABBITS: The rabbits are doing great! Everyone is doing great in the heat and keeping up with it. Breeding is going pretty succsessful, check out my breeding list, we shall have quite a few babies born and for sale in the next few of months. =) I've decided not to focus on the fuzzy lops as of this time, I just do not have the room and focus on them at the moment. ;) As in result, 3/4's of my fuzzy lops are for sale. The few that are staying are mainly going to be pets. I could never give up all of my American Fuzzy Lops. As for the woolies, about 1/2 of the herd is availible and its a GREAT chance to get some nice stock and lines at very low prices! I'm cutting down to about 25 rabbits. ;)
BARN: We had just bought a 10' X 20' large carport! It is great quality and is almost ready for pictures, we still need to do some more arranging out there. ;)
BABIES: We do have babies! Here was what was born a couple weeks ago...
WWR Sleepwalker X WWR Pearl- BORN: 7.19.07- 1 broken black doe, 1 black buck.
Wooligans/WWR Ro Sham Bo X Cedar Ridge's Blue Rain- BORN- 7.20.07- 1 chestnut buck, 1 black otter buck.
PFF's Earnhart X AK's Misty also had kindled a litter 7.25.07, but they were two peanuts. =(
BREEDING:We bred some does the other day! We are exited cause this is our best stock being bred. We will be expecting our FIRST oranges Woolies in a month! How exiting! Let me know if you would like to be on the waiting list. ;)
Does bred: All bred [8.3.07]
LeSage's Shakira(6 Legs, 2 RIS) X Erb's Boulder(Reg. G.C. 15 Legs)
Wooligan's Hello Kitty X WWR Sir Mix A Lot
Wooligan's Cleo(6 Legs) X WWR Bluto
WWR Zoe(Reg. G.C. 4 Legs) X Wooligan's Tater Cake(Orange)
WWR Bug(2 Legs) X Wooligans/WWR Ro Sham Bo(Reg. 3 Legs)
Wooligan's Morgan X Wooligans/WWR Ro Sham Bo(REg. 3 Legs)
Wooligan's Party Girl(Reg. G.C. 6 Legs) X Wooligans Tater Cake(Orange)
Wow- these are going to be some superb babies! =)
FOR SALE: We have TONS of rabbits for sale! Rages in all colors, both breeds. =) Email me for the list. I'll be getting pictures/information up on my website soon.
CONTACT:My email address is lbbbrabbitry@yahoo.com
Thanks for tuning in! =D