Sunday, July 25, 2010

Fancy Tattoo?

This evening I decided to do some tattoos. I was thinking of what to do to "trademark" my bunnies, as some do, by putting their initials before a number or the first letter of their rabbitry name before the name. I thought why not I do something a little more unique, a little more 'high fashion' to go along with my rabitry name (Haute Wooly Couture), and spice up the first initial of the rabbits name in it's tattoo?

I did a few tattoos, making them a little special by adding a little extra size and curve to the beginning initial. Then I came down to a doe who I hold very special to my heart. I knew then I had to go all out on this one! :)

Since this was my first dramatic tattoo, I was quite nervous. I was practicing the style I wanted to used for the letter on paper, and finally went down to do her ear and wrote it out with a fine point sharpie. I have never done this so I was wondering to myself, "Am I going to forget my place, am I going to get lost?"

I finally started it out and as usually, we have a squirmy rabbit. I made the M first before I went to the design on the side, JUST IN CASE I changed my mind or felt I wouldn't be able to handle it. I decided the bunny was not as wild as she could be and to finish what I had started!

I was shaking the whole time. I'm sure my nervousness didn't make my bunny feel very comfortable. But we made it out! And alive. I free handed the last of the letter "EEKA".

So here it is, the finished product!


And here are a couple more designs.



Please, though, you may not want to try this at home! Honestly, I do not know if this is a DQ or not on the show table. I was told by one that this is illegal so I might have to contact ARBA to find out? We'll have to see!

It's been a busy past week. My job got promoted from a Vet Receptionist to a Vet Assistant/Technician. I've been working all week! It's been a lot of fun. I've seen a lot of things I'll never forget!

Have a nice week!


Anonymous said...

Way to go Susie. I love the art. This world needs to allow creativity to shine!

Keep it up!

Kayla said...

Wow this is so pretty. I love how the M turned out, and your writing/penmanship is so beautiful! I wish mine was like that. XD Loved that you showed pictures!

Abby said...

Love it!