Thursday, January 14, 2010

Don't Wake Me, I Plan on Sleeping In

It's a sad thing to announce, but a relief to say that 3/4 of my Jersey Wooly herd has been sold. I am keeping 8 woolies, my best, and will go from there. I have 3 lovely buyers on the east coast (who have bought rabbits from me before) and I'm very happy they took up on my herd. I wanted them to go to the best homes, as these guys are my babies, my fur kids and do mean a lot to me. Thank you guys. :wub:

There isn't much to blog about in the rabbitry. We've had a rough and very cold winter. I'm patiently awaiting spring!

WWR Rice Ball - Broken Blue Tort Doe (charlie marked)



Vivelly said...

Susie, your bunnies are so cute! Wish we would have JW of that good quality here in NZ! They are such a great Breed, if I wouldnt have my Angoras the JW would be my choice. :-) Good luck with the breeding and showing for this season!

Susie said...

Thank you!!! :))