No. Of course not!I've heard some rumor going around, that I have been selling out. I've had a few dissapointed people come up to me and told me I CANNOT do this! Well, the good news is, I am NOT selling out! Accually, I never was. ;)
What HAS been happening is I've been cutting down majorly. I've been a very busy person, and have not had enough time to take care of as many bunnies as I had. Since then, I've reduced about 25 rabbits. Thanks to all the buyers and I hope you have very good luck with them! I have also raffled a few, so good luck to any who has those, most are very nice starter stock. There *is* one rabbit I'd love to mention I raffled. A Sable Martin Doe at Watsonville. This doe was VERY complete. Very lovely solid body with beautiful flowing wool. I did know the winner of this doe was new, with those babies, she shall have some BUTT KICKERS on the table! I saw her back before the lucky ticket was picked, it was a little more than half full. Congrats to the winner- I hope you get some healthy babies from her! =)
A little about life... I'm a sophomore at Rio Vista High School. We have been in school for about 5 weeks. Clases are going well and managing everything is not! I have a lot of work, so completing it takes time. I'm sorry to all of those who have emailed me and I don't get back within the first day or two, my appologies! 4-H is going well, not as great as I'd hope but its okay. I've been so busy my best friend has been comming over o help me take care of the rabbits. BIG THANKS to Bri for helping me out!!! Matter of fact, she is pulling off a junior coat off Rock Paper Scissors. =P
The rabbits have been fine, I never realized I had all color groups of Jersey Woolies now. Since Dorissa sold out I gained Shadeds and Pointed Whites, the two LAST color groups I wanted or expected to have. The type is wayyy too exeptional to pass up, and I'll always have Type before color. ;) As for news we do have a new buck in out herd, he happens to be the lovely and famous
Wooligans Hamlet! Huge thanks to Katie Rodgers of Starlite Rabbitry for this lovely boy! He has already been busy with the girls. ;) Currently, he is molting and gowing in a brand new gorgeous coat. =) Here is the process:
Wooligans Hamlet and his toy.For those who don't know, Hamlet is a very nice wooly who is pretty well known around the California area. Lisa K.(breeder) had kept and shown him for a long time and earn quite a few legs on him. He was then sold to Katie R. for the starting of her wooly project, when she decided not to own the woolys, she had kept him as a loving pet for a while. =) I then bought him and now he is getting some jobs done around here. lol. Thanks a bunch. =) Hamlet has about 10 legs currently.
As for some of you know, there is a very special bunny in my life. Her name is Ms. Audrey. Audrey was born and within hours she had wool tangled around her leg and the circulation was cut off, in result, it puffed up and turned black and blue. Weeks gone by, after a few days of it happening I had expected her to pass on. After those few days we took her into the vet to have it checked. Doctor Ted pinched it and sure enough, she still had feeling. I thought she was going to loose her whole leg to this, but she managed to come back through, though she did loose a couple of toes. Audrey is a very special bunny to me, she puts so much more joy into my life, lightens it up and shows me 'you can'. I want to thank Dr. Ted S. for not letting me put her to sleep! Audrey means A LOT to me. A lot to friends and family too. =)
Audrey and I on my bed. =P
For the Nursery, we DO have some news! We have one Am. Fuzzy Lop baby in the nest box. This was Meena X Taboo's baby. Its a broken opal, born on Sep. 19th 2007. This baby was born on my friend Katie's birthday(Starlite Rabbitry) so I'll be hoping its a lovely little girl to name after Katie. =P Here is baby "Kaddie" and mama Meena. =)
Meena and her Brkn. Opal baby.As you can tell, we have MANY updates! Wish I had more time to do this within other days. Continueing...
I want to do a little braggg, I have a very cute promising little black buck in my hands. This boy is Audrey's sibling, his parents are WWR Pearl(2 BOSB legs) and WWR Sleepwalker. This little guys name is
WWR SleepTALKER hince the theme of daddys name. ;) He was a talkative baby too! Sleeptalker went to his first show on 9.29.07, in Watsonville, CA. For the PCJWRC Open Specialty, he recieved 2nd of about 6 in his class. In Youth A, he has recieved 2/3 and show B 3/3 loosing on maturity. I cannot wait for this little guy to grow up a bit! He's gonna be a show stopper! Here is his most recent picture of him, taken a few days ago:
WWR Sleeptalker.Also, here is a picture of his father, who has been for sale for quite some time but I think I'm going to hang on to him for a little while longer. ;)
WWR Sleepwalker.One very last thing, and I'm pretty sure I'm done. I want to say GOOD LUCK to Nitsa and her daughter on their new pet bunny from us! They made a very long trip up to Watsonville to pick up Mini. She is such a sweetheart and
deffinantly will be missed. Congrats on the love and I hope you enjoy her! I'm sure you will and she is deffiantly going to enjoy the extra spoling. ;)
Mini with a mirror shot.I think that wraps it up! My appoligies to those not so quick emails and bombardments at the rabbit shows! I never knew I'd be such a busy person. If you have any questions or comments, you can either post a comment to this blog or send me an email at . Thank you all for reading, and lots of hugs and bunny kisses! =)
Wooly World Rabbitry